Chapter 20

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Chapter 20



" Nario , It's good to see you again."

I gave him a terse nod , as he flip the file pages and smiles politely. I wouldn't have visited him here if my father hadn't insisted that I should go to Gabe for therapy sections again.

He was an old friend of father and he was also my doctor for 3 years in NY mental hospital but he had to transfer from there. After the doctor killing event, grandpa discharged me out of the hospital, after 4 years and 9 months of living there. So in return to his favour I had to attend sections with Gabe , who was the only person brave enough to be in my presence. Any way I had stopped attending my sections after grandpa's death , which happened a-few-days before my 16th birthday. But now father said that I need it and I accepted it in one condition. I wouldn't attend the funeral of my Aunt's husband as I didn't liked the Valenti family creeps.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Gabe voice echod in his silent office.

"So Nario you're an 17 year old young man now ? How are you feeling ?" I shurg carelessly as I leaned back on the couch , to be more comfortable.

"Same as I felt at 13 ,14 , 15 and 16."

I knew he didn't liked my reply but nor I care neither he showed his disapproval openly , he just pressed his lips together.

"Let me ask you another thing. Do you still want to hurt people ?" Bold , his words were.

"I 'm in mafia Gabe."

He just shook his head in nod.

"I know Nario , but do you still want to hurt... innocent people."

See a brave one . I thought.

my face was calm at his question , a mask that I always wear while hunting my prey.

"We don't know about their inner self , how can you say trustfully that, they are innocent. They betray , kill... they use you."

"So I take it as a yes ? " he asked and I just shurgged. He sighed and nodded his head then writes on the file. Typical doc.

"Nario , your mother betrayed you right. But that's an single person doing , not this whole world's woman or people."

"And may I ask , do you feel this , what you call it..." he points at me.

"Urge." I replied with a stone face.

"Yes...that , so do you feel an urge to kill innocent animals ?"

He waits for my reply. I simply shurg again. "No why would I kill innocent animals or plants , they doesn't wrong me. They don't speak our language. I bear these people words without hurting them so why would I hurt animals who doesn't even give me their opinions"

I said as his eyes narrow.

" Listen Gabe , I've stopped hurting innocent people. I scold my inner monster when he tells me to hurt someone. But I don't hurt them."

′ Sometimes I do' . I thought but didn't add it.

"Inner monster? " he asks.

"Yeah He's with me from the start. He was good at first but after mother's...... , anyway he turned evil then."

His brows drew together in confusion.

"M talking about my mind Gabe... he give me advices which I like , sometimes." I just sometime talk with him "my monster."

"I see ....but why it turned evil ?"

"Simply because of her. She was my first love but she just betrayed me , my love for her." I explained as I tilt my head a little to right.

NARIO |Bonnazio mafia family | mafia romance & age gapWhere stories live. Discover now