Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I follow behind him silently as He just walked ahead without even glancing back at me. I didn't knew why he was acting like this. His behaviour was silent and scarey toward me. As I have wronged him. Or maybe many thoughts were filling his head.

Not accepting his ignorence , I spoke when we came near to our room.

"Nario ? Are you okay ? " It took me a lot of courge to speak these words. But he didn't replied to any of them as he , just entered the room and started to remove his dirty clothes.

Tears were in my eyes because of his ignorance toward me but I didn't cried. No it was not the time to cry. It was the time show him that I care for him. That I was so worried for him. That I felt so lonely and angry and watching him like this makes me sad.

I shake my head as I suck in a huge breath and stalk towards him and I hug him so tightly from behind as if he will disappear if I lose my grip. He immediately stills by it. But I didn't loose my grip. My face was on his bare back as he had just removed his shirt. Wanting to feel more of him , I moved my hands toward his abs and chest. But the most difficult thing was to warp my arms around him because of his board frame but I still warped them tightly.

I nuzzle my face in his back inhaled his scent , he smelled of dead meat and blood. I also noticed few fresh cuts of glass on his back as few drops of blood were dripping from it. It made me worried for him.

Nario sighs deeply.

"I'm dirty Milan. You will get the blood on you." He spoke in calm tone while moves his thumb on my hand in circles.

"I don't care." I said. It was the truth. I didn't care about his smell or dirt. Although I was worried for his cuts.

"I want to shower. " he says as he stroke his thumb again on my hand.

"Stay like this just for few seconds please." I plead as I kiss the cut on his back. His blood got on my lips but I lick my lips to taste it. I kiss again and he sighs then relaxes his tense body.

"I'ill be late Milan." He unwarps my arms around him as he turns his body toward me and looks at me.

"I can shower with you." I offer as I start to shower kisses on his hard chest and abs.

He shakes his head in no and smiles calmly

"I want few minutes of silence."

I nod in disappointment and back away to sit on couch. After few minutes he came out of the bathroom and then changed his clothes. While I ogled his naked body as his manhood for the first time was displayed in front of me. And god that thing was a creature. So smooth and veiny plus big like really big.

Actually My husband whole body was a creature. His muscles was as work of art as The v down his legs was mouth watering , his abs and were mouth watering. His lips were mouth watering. His smooth length was mouth wateri__.

"Milan , close your mouth." I closed my mouth fastly and I blushed hard as I didn't knew that it was open.

Nario stared at me for few second and stalked toward me with fast steps and then he knelt down on his one knee , in front of me as I was sitting on the couch. I felt weird while watching him sitting like this as he had just changed his clothes. I wanted to say that his clothes will get dirty But I ignored it as he didn't show any care about them.

I look down as I felt him touching my feets. I look at him in shock as he brings my left foot closer to his face . His pink tongue darts out and he licked my toe and then licks my whole feet. He sucks the skin then licks , bites and grunts. I felt a little weird by his actions as It wasn't good for his status. Afterall he was a Bonnazio and a made man.

"Nario...I don't think you shou__"

"Shut up." He says calmly and then sucks the toe. So I didn't care more. I just closed my eyes and lean back on couch. Because truthfully watching my young husband do this to me made me wet.

I moan when he licks my right feet. "Ah..." another moan escaped my mouth and my back arch as he bites my skin and licks it. His saliva was coating my foot and it was shining in lights. I moan again when he spits on it and then licks up while looking directly in my eyes.

My pussy clenches by watching him doing like that. Hell I didn't knew that licking feets made people wet. I look down at him and noticed his big bulge. Hell I didn't even knew that licking feet gave a boner.

My body shivered when his hands started to massage my foot. Touching the middle space of my toes. I moaned. "Ahh.."

Lightly stroking the lower side of my feet. I moaned louder. All these touches made my back arch more as I moan and I lick my lips.

And when I was going to ask him to lick more , Someone knocked at the door and Nario stopped then spoke in husky voice.

"What it is."

"We're ready to go Mr. Nario." It was Leo's voice.

"I'ill be there , you can go." Nario order and we heard his footsteps retreat. Thinking about leo I still have to tell Nario that I don't want him as my guard.


"I have to go...we need to check that house again. " he cuts me off and stands up. From his previous conversation , I think they all were going to that housekeeper's house to check on the scene. Her house was here in NY as Nario said. But Thinking about this attack and his wounds. I gulp and look up to him in worry as He had denied the doctor to check him and even if his wounds were not life dangering , they were still wounds.

"At-least let the doctor check you." I said but he ignores me.

"Kiss me." He froze at my words and I got up from the couch.

"I just licked your feets Milan."

"I don't care." Last time when he tried to kiss me , I didn't let him and regretted it when he was gone for a week and Now I can't just let him go without a taste. A promise that he will come back.

"I don't have time for games." He calmly says and moves toward the door.

"I don't care just kiss me Nario." He sighed and I got the opporunity to move close to him. I stand in front of him then stubbornly lifts my face up for him to kiss.

He grimace and then bends down. I eagerly wait for the hard dominant kiss but he just gives me a light peck on forehead and then he goes out of the room. And I like a fool silently watch him leave while a tear finally escape my eye. I had watched the angry Nario , the cocky Nario and the gentle. But the silent and calm Nario was something new for me.


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