Chapter 16

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A/N Imagine Nario's piercing like this. p.s The bold letters are his talk with his monster (brain)

Chapter 16


Nario closes the door behind him as we entered the room , I look at him with anticipation of completing what we left. I was scared and angry but lust won from both.

I lick my lips as he came close but goes toward the bathroom , ignoring my eyes. After few minutes he came out , wearing boxers only. I was gwaking his body , giving him mixed green and red lights but he didn't even glanced at me as he walks toward the couch.

I stare at him like a creep , for few minutes but he didn't gave any respond. Feeling defeated I look down and went to change my clothes.

Sleep was the last thing on my mind as I am numb and sad. Even if we didn't love nor care then why the hell his actions makes me sad. I closed my eyes and after few hours I finally fell asleep.


looking down at my soft and sweet wife as the sheets were down on the floor , leaving her body on display for a fucker like me.

She looks so beautiful as the sunrays touched her body and I got jealous because they were touching her body which was mine to touch. Her brown hair were a funny mess as her mouth is opened. In short she is a messy sleeper. Though Her nightie was loose for her body.

I sigh as I picked up the sheet from the floor and cover her again. At night, She drops the sheet again and again and I fixed it again and again on her. I don't know how many times I cursed at my self not to fix it , not to touch her but all it goes out of the window when she sigh and curls in ball.

My cock was fucking hard and after jerking it off I don't know how many times. It still got hard whenever I saw her soft body. I could've hurt her badly that day if I hadn't stopped myself. I have done everyfucking thing to stop this rage. But I still wanted to fuck her and kill her because of the effect she have on me. But I would be a liar if I say I wanted to kill her.

No I don't. The thing I want from her will make her run for hills and I don't trust her yet. I mean I didn't care what others think but the thing I wanted from her was against the mafia morals and if it leaks out....I will dead as a fucking bitch. So it will be good if I stayed away from her. Which was a difficult task considering our situations. But Now my main focus should be on revenge not her.

'Kill our mother Nario then fuck Mila____ ' Stop it. I scolded my monster.

"When will you give me the location of mother. I want to kill her father and am obeying your orders like a lap dog....I can't wait any longer." I spoke in loud tone as I stormed in my father's office.

These things were storming my mind. I want to crush that women.

He laughs like a fucking creep. "Trust me son. I fucking love it when you obey me like a puppet....and next time knock." He points at me and I growl as he grinned.

"Don't worry , I sended her location to your phone. Go and kill that bitch." I frown as I took out my phone, from my pocket. There was one message from father.

The location was an old village in malaysia. That's why I couldn't find her. She was out of the country and back then I was a person who had a stamp of asylum on his forehead. I grin as I spoke. "Too bad how much she loved high class and you send her to a village."

In return to my words he smiles wickedly "Go there and you will know the reason why I saved her ."

I shurg and my mind went toward Milan. She will be here alone. So I have to leave Enzo or Cali here.

'She will betray you , so we will kil__'


'Oh I forget as you fucker wanted to be her d__'

shut it.

I stopped my mind. Father sensing my thoughts , spoke.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to your master ." He laughed wickedly as I grit my teeth.

"Take only Enzo with you. Cali should stay here to guard her along with Milan own guard...but wait , He died last night. Guess we have to hire a new one." He grins.

Son of a____ I return his grin and hide my anger.

"Sometimes I wonder why Franco grandpa died at 104. I mean he was sick but not to much to die." His smile vanishes.

′ Got you father ′ I think.

Adding fuel to his fire I spoke. "And I think Enzo should stay here with Milan as he will guard her and also observe the new bodyguard."

In simple words , Cali works under me and as her boss I decide what she will do. And Enzo is more okay being with Milan as he doesn't show that he could hurt others but son of a bitch kills in a way which makes ME fucking puke. Plus taking cali away will be a torture for my father.

"Fine do what you want." He shurg with a poker face. But I knew he was cursing me silently.

I walk in my closet as I started to pack my things for the flight. I had already called Enzo to be here and Cali to pack her things. Milan was giving me glances few minutes ago. She wanted to ask but she didn't and I was thankful for it. Didn't want to scare my doe-eyed girl.

"Young Master please come down quickly , Master is very angry." Our maid spoke coming by the door as Milan got up from the sofa. I grin at Milan and she looks down.

"Milan , let's go ." She looks at me and frowns as she sees my fuck bitch grin face. Things are getting more exciting "Okay....but....are you." She tries to ask something but I stop her. "Don't ask questions beautiful."

I point her to follow as I walk ahead.

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