Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


Getting out of our room after 6 days felt weird and joyful. I can feel it in my system that everything is different now. I feel that everything is alright now. I feel happy...No...Blissfull is the perfect word to describe my feelings.

Nario and I aren’t fighting anymore infact , Nario always is close to me and funny thing is whenever he got a chance to touch me , he fully use it. Always rubbing or brushing his arm or hands on my body as if he is leaving his scent to make the other people stay away and in truth I feel happy that he is posessive about me.

“Milan honey you sure you don’t want to visit the doctor ?”

Emilia asked in concern and teasing manner as I blush hard. Were we too loud ? I look up to Nario , who was playfully giving me a smirk. Cali , Enzo and Emilia were gathering around me in concern. They wouldn’t believe that after all of this , Nario finally gave up on the distancing himself from me Idea.

Even Mr.Armano had a unbelievable look on his face but there was proudness for his son also. Another thing was Emilia firing questions.

Well in short everyone sort of knew what we did in the room and thankfully no one bluntly spoke about it except from Emilia. She was worried that I could be pregnant as I had vomitted out my food. And I was too much of a shy to tell them that I had my periods this yesterday. I mean how can a person say such thing in front of all. My mama was always strict in such matters.

“No..Emilia I don’t need a doctor.” I told her firmly but she was not giving up. So I looked at Nario to save me but he grinned. I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth as all of the people looked at me in concern.

“I..I can’t be.. pregnant as I had..had my you know..” I watched every one move forward to listen to my words. I squrim and sigh as I close my eyes.

“Because I am on my periods.” I blurt out and everyone sighed in relief.

“Really doll I thought about something horrible. Don’t scare us like that.”

Cali lightly slaps my arm and Emilia snort. “Oh my poor girl. These are nothing to be shamed of.”

Emilia sequeezed my hand and I finally gave her a smile.

“My lady I change my kid sister nappies and helped them in there days. You shouldn’t feel like that instead you made us all sick worried.”

“People don’t glue to Milan. She must be tired. Nario you should have taken care of her. You know how women are in these days.” Armano scolds everyone and I smile. Guess this is what a real family feels like.

I shook my head and smiled.

“Na...D-daddy took care of me.” I spoke in whisper because of Nario glare as I was saying his name instead of daddy and I remember his threat to take me back in room if I didn’t call him daddy.

“Oh lord.” Enzo snorted and Cali rose her brow at Nario whose face turned in a shark grin.

“Aww daddy took care of you..” Emilia slurs in teasing way and Mr.Armano looked at his son in pride way. No shit. He was proud on his son.

“Shut the fuck up Emilia.” I groaned at her and Cali eyes widen at my curse.

“What did you do to my filtered doll.”

“She is my doll , princesipa , lady , doe-eyed and honey. ” Nario said as he looked at cali , Enzo then Emilia.

“And I fucking love it when she curses.” He folds his arm and when I look up to him , he winks at me , making me grin foolishly.

NARIO |Bonnazio mafia family | mafia romance & age gapWhere stories live. Discover now