Chapter 17 part 2

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A/N This chapter was long so I made it's two part.

OMG OMG my story is going to hit 1000 am so excited. Please please vote and comment , it helps an author to grow.

Chapter 17 Part 2


I was sitting on bed feeling Numb when Nario entered the room again. Ignoring my presence he goes toward the walk-in closet. For few minutes I stare blankly at the closet and gathering some courage I walked toward it. I entered as I watched Nario had opened the cupboard as he was filling his bag with old female clothes and things.

"W-what i-is this?" I stutter and he replies without even glancing up . "Clothes."

Wanting to get his attention. I bend down to his face level as he is sitting on the floor and is still stuffing clothes in bag.

"What is the meaning of this. How. H-how can you think to kill your own mother." He stops his movement then drops the clothes on floor. Glaring at me he slowly stands up. I gulp as I also slowly mimic his moves. Before I could speak more he, in a speed of flash light grabs my jaw and forcely pushes my back in the wall . A loud sound was formed when my back hit the wall. But I didn't made any sound because I was scared.

"When you don't even know the reason , how can you judge me for something."

"I didn't judge y___." He cut me off by a hard kiss as he bit my lips and forced his tongue in my mouth. My core clenched and I started to think about his pussy licking ways while my husband was planing to kill me. ′ Great ′

"Yes sweety your words aren't judging me but your eyes are." He grins as I shivered because of fear and lust but I didn't speak. God My body was heating up. 

"Maybe I should tell you." He said and releases a loud breath in my mouth filling it with his smoke flavour then brushes his nose ring with my nose. He moves his face a inch back from mine and speaks with a evil glint in his eyes.

" I am packing her shit because I will make her wear them as I will kill her in horrible ways and when I' ill torture her , I will record it . And lastly my new favorite ...I will fuck you while watching it."

"Nario." I choked out as a layer of fear crossed my body by his words.

"B-but why you want to kill her ?" I blurt out. God my mouth needs to be shut as My mind was not working because of fear. He just laughs at my words then licks my cheeks cleaning the tears which I hadn't knew were sliding out.

" I would have told you the reason but I don't trust you." As I thought about trust. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me. Because I was using his money to fill my father Mouth , although I ′ ve been giving him money in a small amount so Nario wouldn't know. I was using his card which he had given me after the next day of wedding . But the main thing is that I got scared by his words. Does he know ? Is he going to hurt me ?

"Earn my trust then maybe__ I will think about it." I sigh in relief as he didn't gave any hint about me , stealing his money. Hell I didn't even waited a week , I just stoled after the wedding. I shook my head as it was not the time to worry about this. He was looking at me as I look in his eyes. Both beautiful and different just like his personality. Brown shade show's his gentleness and blue shade show's his harshness.

I open my mouth as I shouted. "Don't GO." I don't no what happened to me and I don't know why I said it. But I don't want him to go. I just don't want him to kill his family. He is just an eighteen year old. He shouldn't do such things. I thought , Forgetting that he was a made man but he showed it to me in his next moves. His brow rise up as he growled at me in anger.

"Remember one thing. YOU 'RE NOT . MY MASTER. I don't even listen to my own father. Why would I listen to you." More tears drop from my eyes because of his harsh tone. Nario looks at them and groans in frustration and I look down to hide them. He lifts up my face then forces his mouth on mine just to stop the sounds of my crying. It was an hard kiss. I wanted to melt in him at the moment but I also wanted to claw his eyes out because of his words.

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A/N next chapters on next sunday. below is how I imagine Nario father. HINT HINT FOR ANOTHER COUPLE. Guess whose these new couple are and I will post a snippet of them.

 Guess whose these new couple are and I will post a snippet of them

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