Chapter 22

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*Keon POV*

That day in the classroom I didnt mean to say that. Lord knows I was feeling Ameerah but it just wasnt my day that day and I wasnt feeling that drama that I could tell was finna spark in the classroom. Any other day I think I would have stood up for her but I just have alot on my plate.

My mama keeping secrets from me or at least I think she is. That mystery man is coming around more often. What makes me more suspicious is because she been leaving the shop at like 7 o clock everyday and leaving me in charge. She says "She trusts me more and thinks I am responsible enough to watch the shop while she goes and handles "busines" ".

I know thats a bold face damn lie. She never leaves me in the shop alone. Why would she leave me in it with a whole bunch of customers? My mama all about her money so I know she gotta be up to something if she leaving and not telling her customers to re-schedule. That just aint like her and when I bring it up she say she forgot. All of sudden she aint even looking me in my eye. Thats how I know something up because any time I'm tallking to her she tells me to look in her eye and now all of a sudden she cant even look me in my damn face. 

So I decided to set up a plan. Today when she leaves the shop I will wait and close the shop up. Hopefully their aint alot of customers so I can close up quick and wont loose her car.

I walked into the shop determined to find out what's going on. I feel bad about following her but it looks like this is the only way to find out the truth. I dont think she will tell me if I ask her. 

"Hey Baby" my mama said while looking at my shirt instead of at my face. See this the shit I be talking about. I aint got time for this shit. I didnt even reply back I just nodded my head at her and headed to the back to wash up and change clothes so I could hurry up and get these customers outta here. I had a feeling she was leaving soon so I had to be ready as soon as she left the shop.

"It aint that many customers today Keon, its been slow today" my mama said again trying to hold a conversation with me. I guess she could tell I wasnt feeling her today because after that she didnt say anything else to me until she was leaving the shop.

"I gotta go pay the light bill for the shop and afterwards I'm going to my friend Karen's house" she said while grabbing her keys and purse. No desrespect but my mama was a bad ass lier. She had just used that light bill excuse monday and today was friday.

"You talking about the same Karen that be coming here to get the finger waves" I asked while raising my eyebros at her.

"Umhmm" she replied and walked out the shop door. I knew she had just sat there and lied to my face. Everytime that lady Karen into the shop and my mama did her hair there was always something bad to say after she had left. I could tell when my mama didnt like someone and she indeed did not like that lady.

I made sure she got in her car safely from the shop door and turned around acted like I was sweeping. I had to make her think that everything was normal. As soon as I heard her press the gas on her all white Hummer I hurried up and took of the apron I had on and headed to the door. I locked it and headed to my car before she could get too far down the road. I didnt want to loose her. 

I followed behind her car but not too closely. I was at least 3 cars behind hers so she couldnt see me. I didnt need to get caught. Not that I cared because she shouldnt be keeping shit from me anyway.

She drove for at leat a good 30 minutes before stopping at a small bar in the next town over. She got out and I waited until she went in to scope out the place. Why would she be here? I asked myself. 

I pulled the hoody over my head and walked in. I looked around the bar and saw nothing but mostly men and women mingling. It looked pretty normal to me. I turned around looking for my mama and spotted her. I sat at the booth behind her so she couldnt see me. The booths had little fences up so the other people couldnt see who they were sitting by. 

"Hey Meesha, you looking good" a man came up and said. I looked up and it was the same man that kept coming around the shop all the time. He kissed her on the cheek and she thanked him for the comment.

"Look King lets just cut to the chase, what do you want" she asked him without beating around the bush. That was one thing I liked about my mom she didnt play that bullshit or did she?

"Ok look I have a bad kidney and I need a replacement" he said cutting the chase just liked she asked. 

"We aint no match so what you asking me for" she said whispering and yelling at the same time. 

"I know but I was wondering if you could do me a favor--

Before he could even finish the sentence she had alread said her answer.

"No, I wil not bring Keon into this. He dosn't even know you and I couldnt ask that of him" my mama said while shaking her head slightly.

Wait what did I have to do with anything. I think I had a hunch but then again I couldnt be right. 

"He is my son, he would understand" the man said while raising his voice.

He was wrong but I was right. I was right about the hunch that I had. I figured he was my so called dad. Well in my head he was just a sperm donor. I didnt know him and he was never around so all he basically did was donate his sperm and leave. He was wrong about me understanding though. I didnt care if he was my dad or not. How could he ask me to give about a organ for a nigga that I barely knew. I dont know what kinda drugs he was smoking on but I wasnt doing that shit. Point , Blank, PERIOD. 

I got up from the booth and walked up to their table. "Keon Kings, what in the hell are you doing here" my mama screamed. "The same thing you are doing here, finding out information you could say" I said while rolling my eyes at her. Any other day she probably would have slapped the taste out of my mouth but she wouldnt be doing that for a while because after today I was leaving her house.

"Its a shame I had to follow you in order to find it out though. All the lies you've been feeding me over the last two months. I thought you was supposed to be the parent and you was supposed to be setting examples. This the example you setting for me. To lie and decieve people"

Before she could say anything I walked out the bar and never looked back.

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