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The next day I spent packing my whole life into just one suit case. I didnt want to carry much. I wanted to travel light weight and to bring nothing that reminded me of what would soon be my past. I wasnt running away from my problems this time. Nope I was going to solve everything before I left.

So far I had done everything I needed to do but their was on thing left on my list and I would make sure it was done. It was my last stop before I hit the road.

I hopped into my truck while throwing the suit case into the back seat. I started the ignition and drove down the dusty roads leading to Ameerah's house. This was my last stop and I will make it count. Before getting out of the car I prayed that she would accept my apology and forgive my so called family for doing this to her.

I opened my car door and slowly headed up the slope leading to her front door. I knocked and her dad opened the door. He smiled at me and moved aside to let me. By the end of this meeting he wouldnt be smiling anymore. Wanting to kill me is more like it. I didnt have any control over this though. I just hoped they understood that.

He told me that she was upstairs in her room and that I could head on up. I got to her door and let out the breath I didnt even know I was holding. I knocked lightly before going in completely after I had heard her say "Come in".

"Hey" I said while sitting down on her floor. I didnt want to sit on the bed or near her. What I had to tell her was not something that I wanted to ever come out of my mouth to somebody. I wish I could rewind time. I wish I would have talked it out with my mother before running away from her and the problem.

"Hay" she said while smiling. For some reason everybody was smiling today but me. I wanted to smile though. I don't think I would smile for a while though.

"I have something to tell you" I said while shaking . I was having a hard time coping with this.

I eventually told her the story . Not missing a beat and she clung on to my every word while gasping at the unbelievable parts. I got up and then headed to her door. I didnt want to see her face.

Before I officially left her life though I wanted her to remember me. I walked over to her bed and kissed her. I wanted her to know that even though we didnt work out I really did like her. To bad that never happened for us.

"I hope you dont think to badly of me after what happened. I didnt know they were going to do that to you and I had no part in it. You're a special girl Ameerah and any guy would be lucky to call you his. You're smart , cute, and you have something going for yourself. I think you will be a beast at whatever you do. I hope you remembe me after this though. I'm moving out of town and I want you to move on from me because this will never work. Especially not long distance" I said while clinging to her bed.

I got up and headed to the door.

"His Beast" she whispered and I smiled. I told her we would never work but deep down I hoped that we would meet again. Maybe one day when I was better and had my shit together.

His Beast (Under Serious Editing )Where stories live. Discover now