Chapter 25

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This Chapter is dedicated to @chelsey12477

2 weeks later

*Jabari POV*

It was going on 2 weeks and there was still no update on Ameerah. It seemed like just a simple rape but somehow she had fell and hit her head on the concrete causing some internal bleeding and scarring to her brain. That developed into some swelling on her skull which caused her to be put in a temporary coma. It didn't seem temporary though. These had been the longest 2 weeks of my life.

There was still no sign of her waking up and I couldn't find that nigga Keon no where. I was starting to get aggravated with this whole situation.

As I pulled up to the hospital I rolled my eyes. I really didnt wanna walk in here and talk to these lazy nurses and these no good doctors. Every time I came in here it was the same thing. Nobody knew when she would wake up and nobody knew why she hadn't already woken up yet.

I didn't even stop at the front desk to check in because they already knew me. I was regular as they would say. I hopped on the elevator and walked to Ameerah's room.

I opened the door and came face to face with a suprise. A girl that looked just like Ameerah.

"Aye, Do I know you" I asked her while slightly raising my voice. I wasn't up for no bullshit.

"No I just came here to check on my sister" she sad while giving a slight smile.

She had me fucked up because it wasn't no friendlyness going on this way. First she was lying to my face. Ameerah had no siblings , I was her closest relative or so I thought. Second of all there was no way in hell she was her sister and we were just now meeting.

"Ameerah aint got no sister , Im her cousin I should know" I said while rolling my eyes at her. She was annoying me and if she didn't start talking soon I know something.

"Well I guess it's time to start explaining then" she said while getting out her chair next to the hospital bed.

"You should have started explaining like 3 minutes ago" I said as I looked at my watch.

"Okay well, I found out like 2 years ago that I was adopted. I had always knew that my parents weren't mine . I looked nothing like them and acted nothing like that. None of my siblings looked like me either. Ever since then I had been trying to find my real parents. I didnt have to look far because it turns out that my real dad was bestfriends with my adoptive dad. I finally worked up the courage to ask what happened to my real family. My mom tried to lie and say that they had mysteriously died in a car crash but my dad stopped her and told her it was time to tell the truth. I respected him for that. Anyways.. turns out that they gave me away because my real mom got pregnant at a young age. Throughout her whole pregnancy she kept thinking she only had one baby on the way but really she was having twins.When she finally went into labor she popped out twins. They couldn't afford both of them so I guess the only logical thing they could think of was to give one of us up. My adoptive parents were told that they wouldn't be able to have children so when I came their way they thought it was a blessing".

As she finished her story I was suprised. At least she didnt grow up getting beat on or nothing like that. At least she had a good home. Some kids were adopted and had it bad.

"So what you doing here then" I asked her.

"My dad told me earlier this week about Ameerah. He explained to me that she was my only other sibling from my other family. Then he had to break it to me that she had been in a bad accident. He didn't tell me what happened though and by the looks of it I don't even think I wanna know" she said.

"You never mentioned your name" I said while cocking my head to the side. This girl had showed up and told me her whole biography and not once had she mentioned her name. I found that crazy.

"Its Ameerian" she said while cringing.

"You don't like the name" I asked while taking a seat. Since she didn't seem like a threat I decided I could let my guard down now.

"I liked it before I found out that I had a sister, a twin to be exact. Unfortunately our names are almost exactly alike. I always wanted to be original and now i've found out that I looked exactly like someone else with almost the exact same name. I don't have a problem with it but I'm not to fond of the idea either" Ameerian said while tapping her foot on the cracked up hospital floors.

All of a sudden we heard the heart monitor speeding up. "Go get the doctor" I yelled.

I hope this wasn't the end of Ameerah's journey and the beginning of Ameerians.

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