Chapter 5

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*Keon POV*

When I drove into the schools parking lot I mentally groaned. It must have been an ass of people that went here because I swear it wasn't no parking spaces. I knew now that if I wants one tommorow I would have to get up earlier.

Finally after driving around for like 2 more minutes I spotted a empty space at the end of a line. I swerved my car and drove to it quickly. I was already late so I didn't even hesitate to hop out the car.

I jogged to the front doors of the school and opened the black, red and gray doors. When I walked in I immediately took in the appearance of the school. Black, red and gray crowded my vision everywhere i looked. I could tell these people was serious about they school colors. The mascot was the Eagles. That was typical though.

I walked around for a few more minutes before I saw a door that was labeled "office". I was tired of walking around so I headed towards the door. The door was automatic so when I approached it opened immediately. As I was walking in someone was walking out and before I knew it we both was on the floor. I was slick blowed.

Was they ass blind cus I know they saw my tall ass walkin through the door. I could tell the person I bumped into was a female though because they was short as fuck.

I looked up and cursed. "Aye my bad ma, I didn't see you when I was walking in".

She didn't say nothing though. All she did was nod without looking up and ran out the office.

I scrunched up my face in confusion and shook my head. What the hell was wrong with her. When somebody apologize the reply answer would be to accept the apology.

I walked to the office counter and the secretary looked up from her computer.

"Hi may I help you today," she said before looking back down to her computer.

Usually secretaries at schools be old and ugly but this lady right her was bad as fuck. Her hair and nails was did and she didn't look no older than 24.

"Aye yeh um, my name Keon Kings. I'm new here and I need my schedule for class" I said and without looking up from the screen she handed me a piece of paper which I assumed was my schedule and she handed me another piece of paper but this one was red. When I looked at it I realized that it was a map.

Damn I don't even get a tour of the school.

"Thanks miss" I said and headed back towards the automatic doors an went to search for my first class.

I was walking down the long hallways and realized I didn't even know what my first class was and looked down at my schedule. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

Today was gon be a long ass day. 7 classes.

1st period: Advnced Chemistry w/ Mrs.Lockett

2nd period: Teen sports w/ Coach Dunlap

3rd period: Coordinate Geometry w/ Mr. Shorter

4th period: Amerian History w/ Mr. Stevenson

5th period: Lunch

6th period: Business Technology w/ Ms. Hall

7th period: American literature w/ Ms. Alan

Smh. I got damn science early in the morning. I walked down the hall looking of my first classroom and finally found the shit

I wasn't shy and didn't have a problem with my self esteem so I just walked right into the classrooms without thinking twice about it. When I walked in I felt like the whole world just got silent. I mentally shook my head. This what I hated about being new. Bitches act like they ain't never seen a new student before.

I walked in and headed towards the teacher. I analyzed her ass while handing him my schedule. She looked like one of them uptight teachers that had a problem with everything you do.

I could be wrong about her but I doubted it.

"Well class, it looks like we have a new addition to our chemistry environment. His name is Keon"

The girls started whispering and the niggas started hating typical for people who ain't bout shit.

I walked to the back of the classroom and looked for a seat. I saw the girl who I was looking at this morning when I was in my car and sat by her. She was the same girl who I had just bumped into in the office.

"Wassup ma" I asked her and she just kept looking at the board like she didn't ear me. I figured maybe she wasn't a talking person and jut left her alone.

"Why the hell he sat by her" I heard a female voice say.

I just ignored it though and waited for he next bell to ring for he next class.

After a lame ass lesson on chemistry safety precautions I was already ready to go home. If the rest of my classes was like the chemistry class then I might just drop out. I'm just bullshitting cus my mama would beat the shit out of me if that ever came across my mind.

My next class was teen sports and I had no idea where the gym was. I would pull out the map I was given but then I know I would be late. I decided to just ask somebody.

Female or male was the question. If I asked a female then A) she would think I was interested in her and probably go gossip about the shit when all I wanted to do was get to class or B) she would be a nice girl and probably wanted to be friends which could end well or bad depending on where the friendship went from there. If I asked a male A) he could be a hating ass nigga who probably would kill my vibe for the day or B) we could become home boys which I doubt would happen and he could show me the way to my class which is all I really wanted.

Personally I don't give a fuck.

"Aye bruh" I waited until he turnt around to finish my sentence, I like making complete eye contact. When he turnt around I quickly looked his ass over. Trukfit leather sleeve shirt with black Levi's and all black timbs.

"Wassup" he said while nodding his head up.

"Aye can you tell me where the gym at". He looked to his left and I noticed a girl standing there. She was average but there was no mistaking that she was pretty.

"I'll see you later ight" he said to her and she just nodded and walked away.

"Come on nigga I got teen sports too, we bout to be late though" he started to run so I started too and soon enough we arrived at the gym.

"Thanks bruh" I said and headed to take a seat.

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