Can't Find My Way To You

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I couldn't believe that this fight was happening with Chris and I had to try to figure out a way to get through to him. After practice with the other guys after a few days of Chris not showing up. I lost my hope in finding him after weeks of not seeing him. Even I got told her wasn't home and that his parents didn't know where he was either.

Weeks continued into two months and I couldn't take it anymore and we were ready to replace our guitar player until when one day on a rainy day, Chris came into the building that we were practicing at and we all saw him

I look away from him because I was irritated still him "Hello Chris, welcome back"

Chris looks at me "Hey I'm sorry about everything and that I left for two months. Um....." he pauses and looks down "I was hoping for to talk to you personally like to meet up for coffee" he felt bad

I knew he meant it but I just had to be cautious about meeting up with him to the case he wasn't true to the feelings he showed. I agreed and nods "yes of course! Tomorrow morning?" He agrees and smiles soon thanking me for everything. I go to the bathroom while him and the boys talk for a few. Having our guitarist back was okay but we needed to talk big time before he came back if it came to that moment.

The next morning came and I waited for Chris to show up. He was ten minutes late but it was okay because I had plenty of time for now anyways. About three minutes past and I see him walk into the restaurant soon greeting him. We both have a nice along talk that lasted two hours and we had one argument but we agreed that there were things to change and that we needed to get over our differences and egos. The meeting went smooth and after a week, we were pals but I wanted more but was scared to tell him about my feelings for him.

We welcomed our guitarist back with a nice little party and things went okay for now but there was more to come even though I didn't know about in the future. Concerts went on and on along with everyone getting tired with working their asses off for the fans. Money meant a lot to us but our fans always came first. I fell deeper in love with Chris but it wasn't like we were gonna date at all.

After weeks to months, I grew impatient and wanted  him badly for myself. A cute hot blonde is the way to go and blondes are my kind. Man, he was so good looking and handsome along with his attractive body in those outfits! Who could resist someone like that that has an amazing body and is cute. We sold two more records and they were getting sold out fast by fans along with our merchandise too. When it came to America and other countries, we sold our faster in our own country which is America.

One day after a concert, I went to go check on Chris and after walking into his dressing room, I didn't want to talk about that situation because it hurt more than anything because I knew Chris wasn't into guys due to finding him fucking a girl on the couch in the room. I storm out feeling sad and pissed off at him at the moment because I loved him personally and wanted to be his everything. I decided to leave right away so I could be away from everyone.

That day was the day we were gonna fight again even though we agreed to not do that anymore but it was gonna happen no matter what

Later on, I come back and see the boys playing a card game together. I walk past them quietly and see Chris wave at me then cal my name. I storm off into the studio and slam the door because I was pissed at him still but He had other plans to talk to me. I see him walk into the studio and say that he was sorry. I finally spoke up in anger "NO CHRIS! This isn't a cool situation right now! You knew damn well that I always come into your room but ignoring my rule for everyone isn't a way to fucking go too! If I wanted to, I would fucking fire you now but I'm not going to! You don't understand how much I love you!!!" I cover my mouth and leave the room because I didn't want Chris to know

Chris stands there in disbelief and felt guilty when Blackie leaves soon after saying the three words soon thinking to himself

Blackie loves me? This isn't him but at the same time, he has always been strong with his feelings about everything right now with only me! Only me! Them those words he said?! He loves me?!

He knew he had to think over a lot now and that someone loved him but he knew his friend wouldn't accept thing right now to them both hurting each other all the time. The real question is that if he loved Blackie back but that was a dumb question! Of course he loved him and always felt so warm around him. Blackie was a sweet, honest, funny, loving, and a caring person that everyone loved. For myself as Chris Holmes, my anger and temper took things too far and I had to make it up to him. Did I want this? Do I love him? I had so many questions for myself but decided to send everyone a message to let them know that I was gonna be at home if they want to see me. I felt embarrassed about everything and that I needed to get out of there soon and to make it up to Blackie.

(End of this chapter! Let me know what you think and thanks for reading this. There's more to come very soon)

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