Not Feeling Well

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I wasn't feeling well one day and Chris sat there while rubbing my feet. I relax while rubbing my belly and watch the fireplace which was lit

Chris rubs my legs and smiles "you sure you don't want to call up our midwife?" He feels worried and frowns

I shake my head and feel the baby kick hard "I'm okay for now just not feeling good still" my husband was worried along with my family being worried. Chris knew I was stubborn no matter what but what was gonna happen would make my husband not want to leave me alone ever again

Later that day, I decided to take a bath to help my body and make me feel a little better. I got into the bath that was filled with warm water and bubbles from my bath soap. When I got in, I slipped and fell hard soon feeling so much pain. I cry out for Chris and my husband didn't hear me at all. I ended up screaming in pain due to injuring my arm "CHRRRRRIIIISSSSS!!!!" Soon I hear running footsteps go up the stairs and see him hurry to me

Chris looks at me and saw that I fell "shit I should've been with you. Are you okay honey?" He helped him up

I cry loudly in pain "easy! My arm!" I feel bad for flipping out on him but everything just hurt right now

He feels bad and helps him up soon getting him dried and into something decent "let's get you to the hospital honey."

When we get to the hospital, I watched the doctor do X-rays and it hurt badly to move my arm. After the X-rays, I was told to go to the room and I did soon laying down. While the doctor waits for everything to bed ready, I watch him check the baby over to make sure everything was okay. I got surprised when he brought out an ultrasound machine "wait why couldn't my doctor do this before, my pregnancy doctor?"

The doctor looks up "these machines are hard to get right now but we can see what the baby looks like to make sure he or she is okay. Do you want the gender?"

I look at Chris and shake my head "want it to be surprise but thanks" soon we watch the doctor move the wand around

The doctor pauses for a minute "the baby looks amazing but you guys were told it was just one baby right?"

I nod and look at my husband in surprise soon trying to see what was going on but I was excited

The doctor looks up "congratulations you guys are having twins and they are growing really well. No injuries and the sack around them is still there which is what we want due to falling being dangerous for babies"

I couldn't believe and started sobbing loudly "we knew we felt something different! Oh god we're gonna have twins!" I hug my husband and smile

Chris cries happily and laughs "this is amazing. You are amazing honey! We lost our first baby but this made up everything. Yes I'll be sad still about the lost of the baby that I was pregnant with but this is beautiful"

We both cry for a while and saw our babies for the first time. I sob loudly and look at them "they are so cute and amazing."

Chris laughs and kisses him lovingly "they are beautiful sweetie and I'm glad to be their dad" he looks up

Soon after we find out I broke my arm from the fall and I was put in a cast but I wasn't happy about it but the good news is that my arm should be healed in a month which was just before I have the twins. We were told the twins were doing amazing and growing very well.

When we get home, I laid on the couch and rest "honey can you make me honey and lemon tea please?"

Chris nods "of course babe. Just rest and I got this" he leaves the room and makes the tea soon coming back in five minutes. He give him the tea and kisses his head "just be careful, it's hot. Do you want a blanket and pillow along with a fire lit in our fireplace?"

I enjoy the tea and feel bad "you don't have to honey, I'll be okay" I felt cold and tired

He insisted and still got the stuff soon noticing Blackie was crying "what's wrong babe?"

I look up and sob "I told you I'm okay. No need to do all of this for me" I hated my hormones and that my husband had to take care of me

He smiles happily and hug him "shhhh it's okay honey"

I feel better and cuddle my husband "you're so good to me and I'm spoiled as hell. What gender do you think our twins will be.... I think a boy and girl"

He thinks "maybe twin girls. Not sure but they will be amazing no matter what. I can't wait to be a dad and hold our babies. Are you sure you could handle a home birth?"

I nod and get excited "I'm sure I'll be okay until I push the twins out. It's gonna be a lot of pain and work but luckily I'll have you to help me through the pain. What's great is that we will have Randy and Tony there to help with a lot but let's hope they can keep their hands to themselves" I laugh and feel the twins kick

He laughs and rub my belly gently "let's hope we can get them to concentrate on you and the babies but I'm sure they will be a big help. Now rest babe. You need it"

I soon sleep on the couch in my husband's arms and feel very happy and safe while he was there.

The birth of our twins will be different and Chris is gonna be told to carry our other kids if we want more in the future. The pregnancy was rough on me including the birth but the twins will be beyond amazing and beautiful..... their genders are a surprise

(End of this chapter and next chapter is about Randy and Tony. The twins will be born soon but still a few chapters away before Blackie and Chris become dads)

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