Something Is Different

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When the baby started moving then kicking, me and Chris cried along with getting excited but we started feel more than one kick which couldn't be just one baby. Shortly after the kicks for the first time, I run to the bathroom after pulling away from my husband and throw up into the toilet.

Chris goes to him and rubs his back gently "you okay?" He worries and watches

I groan and snap at him "Do I fucking look okay to you?! I'm throwing up!" I grip the toilet seat and try not to throw up again but I end up throwing up more. When I feel better, I go to bed and just sits there while sobbing

He walks over and look at me "honey it's okay. I know it's hard on you. Right now my worry is that you might have more than one baby in you"

I cry and sigh "I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I...I just hate throwing up. I'm sorry" I look at him

He smiles "hey babe it's okay. It happens and I know you're going through a lot. Now how about we lay down and sleep"

We both lay down and I feel Chris touch my belly soon feeling the baby or babies move "I think I'm pregnant with twins Chris"

Chris looks at his belly and see the babies move "you sure you are?" He gets emotional

I nod and cry loudly "yes I think but we can't be definite until birth because even the doctors can't tell but I'm not looking forward to birth because it's gonna be painful"

He looks at him and cuddle his husband's belly "I'm sure you'll be okay and you'll have me there to help you. I love you so much honey because you have made me feel happy and grateful for everything you do for me. Now get some rest and we will have dinner soon"

We slept longer and When Chris got up soon ordering food for everyone. When food arrived, I woke up feeling hungry and called for Chris.

Chris walks over and laughs soon helping him up "hungry?" He smiles happily

I nod and giggle "sorry I'm starving and I needed help with getting up" I soon walk to the table and sees the others soon smiling

Chris grabs my food and a drink "I got your favorite and after if you want, I also got dessert for everyone so I can make sure you and the our possible twins could be happy"

Everyone get excited and we hear Tony asking about it. I look up "well we might be having more than one baby but we aren't sure until birth. All we know is that there is more than one kick and it's not from just one baby" I eat and feel happy while watching the others. Soon I feel the baby kick and feel my belly but felt multiple kicks "easy babies" I laugh and eat more

Chris walks over and eats next to me while his other hand touches my belly "I love you and the baby or babies" he laughs at the thought

Later on we have another concert and I wasn't in the mood to perform but wanted to otherwise. I wear my usual favorite color which is black and put on makeup to cover how exhausted I was due to the baby (we both were just saying it was one baby to the case). I feel Chris rub my sides and kiss my head from behind "can't believe we are married now and soon to be parents of one or two little babies. They are definitely gonna have my skin and maybe my hair"

Chris hums and looks at Blackie"I'm beyond excited to be a dad and we will have to get more baby stuff if it's twins. You look so beautiful like always and I know you are nervous about having kids but I know you will be amazing"

I love his words because they are so bittersweet. We soon head on stage and perform for three hours. The tour was long but worth it because I got to hang out with the WASP family. Speaking of Tony and Randy, I felt embarrassed when I walked into the bathroom to find them getting it on and never expected it but I figured it was gonna happen sometime soon since they had the eyes for each other. Randy loves blondes just like I did and Tony was the man but what surprised us the most is that they turned out gay because they were always known to get attracted to women. They were so lovy dovey too which made it funny too because there were times in public where they would make out or disappear to screw each other.

I was always with Chris in public but of course we touched each other and kissed but it wasn't as bad as the other two. We were one big happy family and soon we were gonna have a bigger family because Tony and Randy weren't cautious about using birth control or protection but that will be months after our baby or babies are born. The tour went amazing and we all had fun but I grew impatient to get home and focus on the rest of my pregnancy along with my marriage or family.

When the tour was done, we all went home to our home state and I rested a lot everyday due to being exhausted from the pregnancy and the long tour. The tour last two months and that made my pregnancy harder on me especially where I'm seven months when I finally got home with Chris.

(The end of this chapter and more things to come next chapter. Hope you guys loved it and thanks for reading)

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