Preparing For Another Baby

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It has been really good with planning for our little girl and Blackie was such a big help with setting up the nursery especially where my belly kept getting bigger.

I clean a little when Blackie came into the room "oh hey"

Blackie looks at him and smiles "hey babe..... so Randy and Tony said they wanted to come over to see the kids and they wanted to talk but I'm not sure what it's about... they seemed excited about something"

I nod and rub my belly "when is that interview?" I fold baby clothes and look at my husband

He thinks "in two weeks on the 8th of November. You sure you want to go to it?" He helps fold clothes and sees the boys come in shyly "come in kiddos" he smiles

I nod and finish soon closing the dresser "I'm sure babe" I sit down and relax soon looking at the boys. Soon I watch the boys and blackie touch my belly and smile while watching

When Tony and Randy came over, I hugged them as close as I can because of the baby getting in the way now and watched Blackie and the kids greet them too

I go to sit down and watch Blackie sit next to me soon cuddling him "so what's the news?"

Randy looks at Tony "well it's exciting news.... We are having our first baby! Starting a family finally! I'm pregnant and it was confirmed that I am two months pregnant

I smile and congratulate them "wow!!! Big congratulations for a baby!!!! I'm excited for you guys!"

Blackie looks at them "congratulations guys.... Well me and Chris have news. We are having a little girl"

I start to cry happily and actually made Randy cry too "ugh sorry hormones" we both cuddle our husbands and watch the kids play. After an hour, Randy and Tony decided to go home because Randy was feeling tired

When the interview came, I grew nervous because they had questions about my pregnancy. I walk with Blackie and held his hand while we talked to others soon heading to the room for the interview. I smile and walk with Blackie soon sitting down with him. We both answer questions about the band then the pregnancy

I smile and answer another question about the baby "we are having baby number three at home.... It's gonna a wonderful delivery. The boys are excited to meet their younger sibling" I feel Blackie rub my belly gently and felt the baby kick. We answer more questions and the show ended in an hour soon leaving the stage "I didn't feel comfortable talking about the gender or a name because that's personal for now"

Blackie nods and kisses him gently "how do you want to tell others about the baby when she's here?"

I think about it "well I was thinking on waiting a few weeks after she's born.... We also need to find a name for her"

He nods "we can definitely look at names later or when we get home"he holds his hands and gets ready to go home

We get home and I rest while we looked through the book of names "ugh I wanted something unique for her"

Blackie looks up Native American names for girls "oooh this one is pretty.... How about Tallulah?" He gets excited

I think about it and fall in love "oh my gosh! That's perfect and super pretty for her. So Tallulah Rose Holmes~Lawless?"

He nods and smiles "yes that's beautiful and she has a Native American name so it's very beautiful and unique"

Hey guys! Sorry I've been so busy and been feeling down for a few days but I'm alright now! Hope you loved the chapter! More to come for planning for the baby!

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