Do You Want To Explain This?

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After a month, everything has been wonderful with my boyfriend and we forgave each other. Now the thing I'm about to find out about my boyfriend that I didn't know about is a new thing I didn't know about from the beginning which was gonna be new to me and especially where he could give us kids

It was a normal day and I was cleaning up after the boys after a busy concert. When I was cleaning everything up so the dressing room looked better, I saw birth control pills on Chris's desk and it was obviously his because it said his name on the prescription. Later on when we got home, I had asked Chris to talk to me and he agreed to do it

Chris sat down and chilled out for a while "So what is this about? You seem upset or mad at me honey" he fears his boyfriend's look which was scary to look at because he knew he was mad about something

I look at him and pull out the pills "wanna explain this to me? You hid this from me and didn't say anything" he crosses his arms on his chest

He looks up then back to the pills "I didn't want you to know about this but yes these are mine and I use it to prevent pregnancy. I was born with a uterus but obviously I'm a man to the appearance and body parts. Sorry I hid this from you" he feels horrible and looks away

I go to him soon touching his face "hey look at me babe. I was just mad because you hid it from me so if I did get you pregnant by accident, It wouldn't come with a surprise. Well obviously it would be a big surprise because it's our kid but I wouldn't know if you got pregnant. I love you so much and I'm not too mad.... Please babe, don't cry" I saw tears go down his face

Chris cries and pulls away soon going to the bathroom. He locks the door and hides in there because he knew he wasn't right about this situation but he was pregnant and wanted to hide it. He left the birth control on the desk because he couldn't take them anymore but he was gonna try to hide the pregnancy for a while

I sat there feeling bad for making him cry about the situation and just gave him room to calm down. I was surprised about everything and that I could get my boyfriend pregnant if I'm not careful with anything

He comes out soon and feels tired soon laying on the bed. He falls asleep soon and curls up to the pillows

After a few weeks, I noticed that Chris wasn't in the same area from me and refused to let me touch him. No one has seen Chris after a concert and we looked everywhere. I go into the bathroom in frustration and hear someone....wait?! That's Chris! I run to the stall and see him on the toilet in horrible pain soon noticing blood all over his thighs and the toilet " Shit! What is going on babe?!" I call an ambulance and hear Chris yell out that he lost our baby. Our baby?! I was confused and hung up soon

Chris cries loudly " I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was pregnant! Just break up with me and leave me! Kick me out of the band"

I felt shattered but went to Chris because I knew he was in pain " babe I'm a little upset but I wouldn't do any of that to you. I'm mad about the pregnancy but I can't stay mad at you because I love you" I clean him up a bit and hear Chris cry in pain soon seeing more blood come out " it's okay, the ambulance is on the way

When we got to the hospital, we were told that Chris was pregnant and lost the baby due to too much stress. I watch the doctor clean my boyfriend up and clean his uterus for to make sure there won't be an infection

Chris wasn't the same after the event and he hid in our room. He took his birth control again and refused to make love with me. I kept my distance because we would fight when I tried to comfort him and I knew my boyfriend wasn't the same anymore. I stayed in the living room and just slept on the couch.

After a month, Chris came to me which I was sleeping in the living room. I wake up to him getting on me and cuddling me. I wake up and groan while holding him " hey babe"

Chris kisses me and holds onto me soon laying on me "hi" he relaxes and feels safe

I hold him and let him lay there "how are you feeling? You look exhausted and sad" I frown

He sighs deeply "I'm fine I guess. I'm sorry about everything I did and I wasn't right to do that to you. I just didn't know what to feel right now about kids. I'm not sure if I'm ready for kids right now because of the band and other things. I'm sorry honey" he sheds tears

Blackie kisses him "shhhh it's okay. I know you were scared and we both didn't expect it. I know the lost of our baby is hard but no matter what, I would be more than happy to have the baby with you. Now you should rest and we could go lay down in bed for a while so you can rest"

He agrees and gets up soon feeling Blackie pick him up. They get to the bed and snuggle under the bed sheets soon sleeping

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