Enjoying Our Family

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I had to deal with some sleepless nights but it was worth it with our twin sons. I fed them peacefully and saw Chris walk in with tea "I was glad to have the twins peacefully at home with you and the others. The twins are hard to take care of but I love them so much"

Chris sits down and smiles happily "wait until your mom sees them. I can't imagine the scream that will come out of her when she see them. I know she has been waiting for grandchildren for years but now she has two grandsons"

I nod and look at the twins "they are perfect especially where we wanted them badly. Tomorrow I was thinking about taking the twins for a walk through the park to get them out of the house.  I swear if I don't stop producing milk, I'm gonna have to keep up with pumping when the twins aren't eating."

He laughs and sits down "you know we could give her more but I wanna wait for a while and let the boys get older before more babies. I will definitely have the rest of our kids and I can't wait to be pregnant for the first time"

I look at him happily "I can only say that I enjoyed some moments with the boys while pregnant with them but I honestly don't want to have babies again. Like get pregnant again.... I think it's a good idea too to wait to have more kids for now until the boys get bigger"

We let the boys stay home for a few weeks due to trying to keep them safe and healthy. I grew impatient when my mother kept asking to meet the boys and finally agreed to have her come over since we lived close to the village. The day came when my mother came over and I hugged her tightly "hey mum"

She smiles happily "you look good sweetie and how are you feeling since the birth with the boys?" She rubs his cheek and stands there

I have her come inside the house "things are going really good and Steven has been an amazing help.... Listen I know I gave birth to the babies but we agreed to have Chris take the role of their mom since he is more of the mom type and I prefer being called daddy by the boys. I'm sore from giving birth still but it was worth it and we got used to the schedule for the boys so everything is perfect"

She nods and listens "where is Chris and the boys?" She walks into the living room soon sitting down

I walk to sit down too soon answering "Chris was changing them so I can greet you for when you got here. He such a good mom already and has taken a good role of being their mom well. Before you ask about this, we decided also to have Chris carry the rest of our kids since I just don't like the pregnancy thing so much..... we were gonna wait till the boys were two years old"

She nods "that's a wonderful plan and I'm glad Chris became a good mother along with you being a good dad. Your dad would be very proud of you even though he gave you a hard time with accepting who you were"

Chris walks into the room with the twins and sits down "hey mum" he greets her and relaxes

She smiles "hey honey... how are you doing also with this?" She looks at the twins

He smiles "a little better and I'm already enjoying being their dad.... Now let's have you meet baby James first"

I take James gently and hand him to his mom "I sometimes wish dad could be here to see the boys... he would love to meet them but he is very judgmental on my personality, the band and that I'm gay"

She nods and looks at James "Blackie he definitely looks like you.... He's so cute and so much hair" she plays with his hair "I'm very proud of you guys for becoming amazing parents and making good decisions" she looks at the baby and falls in love with him "I remember when Blackie was a baby, he was so cute like this"

I walks to his mom "thanks mom and we are trying our best especially with two newborn babies....don't worry you will get more grandchildren to come visit you. Not like dad is going to visit the village or you"

She sighs and nods "true and I miss him a lot but he went his own way with life.... We do see him but not as often like we used to"

I nod and help switch James to take Oliver soon laying him in my mom's arms "his name is Oliver.....James we named after grandpa and Oliver for himself we did after grandpa's middle name...."

She looks at them lovingly "awwww that was sweet of you and your grandfather is an amazing man that saved our tribe. I'm very proud of your mostly because you still visit and you're so proud of your family and where you came from. I hope more people like you are born."

We spend hours with my mother and say our goodbyes when my mom gets ready to go home for the day. I hug her and kiss her cheek along with Chris soon going to check on the twins when she left. Dinner was good and I laid in bed while Chris joins me "love you"

Chris relaxes and yawns "love you too babe.... Get good rest honey. Night"

We both fall asleep peacefully

(End of chapter and more to come soon!)

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