Feeling Sick

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A month after our date, I felt sicker than a dog but wanted to complete the show. I lean against my desk in the dressing room with my head in my hands when I felt nauseous and tried to figure out what is going on with me. When I looked up, I saw that the others came in after greeting fans and they knew I wasn't feeling well

Chris walks over in worry and rubs my neck soon messaging my back too "you okay honey? You look horrible and should probably go home instead of doing this three hour concert" he worries a lot about him

Tony walks over with a fresh cup of water and tums "here this can help you with feeling nauseous and I think it might've been that Chinese food you ate yesterday night honestly. We have time before concert begins so hopefully you feel better in a bit. We just don't want you to get sick on the stage but who is to judge honestly because you aren't feeling good"

I thank them and take the tums and drink some water soon going to relax on the couch. Soon my boyfriend joins me and rubs my back more. It made me even more nauseous when he did that and I flip out of him "please stop doing that Chris! Jesus!"

He pulls away and worry about him "sorry honey I'm just trying to make you feel better right now. I'll just go practice on my guitar" he gets up and feels bad

My nausea calms down a bit but I wasn't sure if I could sing while feeling this way and it was ten minutes still before the concert. When Chris leaves the area, I feel upset that I got mad at him and my hormones were off along with feeling exhausted already. I just didn't know what was going on right now nor I wanted to see a doctor due to being stubborn with hating getting touched by some stranger and having to wait hours in the room before I found out what was going on. Soon I get up and the nausea was so bad, that I needed to throw up now. When I run to the bathroom to throw up, I see the others look up in worry. I started to throw up violently into the toilet and felt my stomach hurt badly "shit!"

Chris hurries in and pulls my hair back "shit honey, you need to cancel the concert now. They won't want you on stage if you're throwing up to the case it's the flu. I can go tell them that we need to cancel the concert and say sorry to the fans if you give me permission"

I throw up more and feel tears go down my face "just go tell them please. I'll be fine if we go home after" I felt drained and weak from everything along with dealing with the room spinning

Chris gets the go ahead and hurries to the guys to let them know. We all hurry to let the managers know what is happening and we let the fan know which we knew that they were gonna be pissed but they got asked to be respectful because our lead singer has a stomach bug. We all head out back and let Blackie finish with getting sick before leaving. While he finishes, we pack the instruments and gear soon bringing it to the cars and came back to check on him.

I feel a lot better but knew that I would sick sooner or later again but what was important was to go home and rest for the day to see how I felt the day after. Soon I head home with Chris and I laid down on our bed and kept myself near the bathroom. I look at my boyfriend and feel bad still for flipping out on him "Hey babe, I'm sorry about everything and getting mad at you. It was intentionally towards you....just when you touched my back again....it made it worse...I'm... I'm sorr....." before I finish with my sentence I break down in tears and didn't understand why I did

Chris goes over to him and hug him "I know it wasn't and understood that you just didn't feel well. This is why I wanted to marry you so if anything happened to you where you are at the hospital, I could be there for you like I want it to be. Now stop crying please honey, I'm not upset. I'm just as worried like you right now" he wipes his tears and kisses him "you should rest and we'll see how you feel in a few hours"

After a few hours, I don't feel better and ended up in the bathroom while Chris slept because I didn't want to wake him up. I appreciate everything that he did for me because he knew I wasn't feeling well right now. I had plans to pop the question soon but wanted to see how I felt to even do it soon because I had a ring already and it was passed down to me from my ancestors that is on the Native American side of my family because of my mom. I throw up again soon and hated when stomach acid came up only because it burned and hurt at the same time. After a while I decided to lay down again next to a Chris and cuddle into him

We didn't know what was happening but it would be another month or two before we found out about me being pregnant and of course I'm not gonna be happy about it but I plan to keep the baby because it symbolizes mine and Chris's love for each other with knowing that we're having a baby finally after we lost our unborn child when Chris was pregnant. This was gonna change our lives but it was for the good.... Well what is happening in the future for the pregnancy, will be difficult for my body to handle and it might make me think about not getting pregnant again after. We will wait and see what happens and there is a proposal coming up once I feel better because Chris is my world and I want him to be my husband

(Hope you guys loved this chapter and more is coming! They finally will be expecting a baby but won't know for a while. There is more coming up! Thanks for reading!)

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