Chapter 3-Friday, July 2nd, 1999

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I woke up at my usual early time-the weird thing about us is that no matter what we did the night before, we would always be up before 10-and looked at the dead bodies of the half-undressed Boddicker and Flynn and the naked Cayden. I got up and went to the bathroom and this time there was no naked Liv-real shame-so I went in and got ready. I got out of the shower and went to pick up my towel but just before I could, I heard the door open and saw a sleepy-looking Liv in her baggy grey t-shirt before she quickly slammed the door. Oh, fuck I hope she didn't see my dick I thought to myself. I walked out and saw her there,

"Oh hey", I said

"Hey freckle butt"

"Oh y-you saw my freckle then"

"Yeah but don't worry I have one as well"


"Yeah...well mines on my boob"

"Aw that's what I saw on your boob yesterday"

"Oh, so you did look at me getting out the shower" She smiled. I grew red as she laughed and walked into the bathroom. I went downstairs and got breakfast but as I was doing my wee spin I do when I'm alone in the kitchen I fell into Liv which resulted in me landing on top of her.

"Oh hey," She said,

"You really don't g-g-give me much space do you"

"Well guess I just like being around you". Holy fuck she is one hundred percent flirting with me now. Does this mean we're going to have sex? I hope so. Wait I need to play it cool and also try not to get a boner.

"Well I'm glad that you don't give me space"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really". There was a loud thud and I jumped off and to the side and looked up. Franchesca was there dressed and ready with the rest of the rag-tags carry a bunch of rucksacks

. "What's happening here?" She asked,

"We just bumped into each other" Said Liv as she gave me a quick look and smirk.

"What's with all the gear ranger Rick?", I asked getting off the floor.

"Well I thought we should go to the reservoir", Replied Franchesca.

"Do we really need all that stuff?" Said Liv.

"That's what I said!" Shouted Boddicker

"We need all this stuff in case something goes wrong", Said Maya

"And also, it's good exercise. Will help me get some extra muscle for college football" said Flynn.

"Fine," I said as I grabbed a bag. We headed out of the door and onto the street. The sky was a tropical sea blue with not a single cloud blocking the large burning sun that sat over the small town of Shade Cove, Virginia. The street was packed with life; the younger kids were playing with their skip-its, super soakers, and moon shoes, the older neighbors sat on lawn chairs or lying down on sunbeds, Liv's Dad was mowing the lawn across from us. We walked down to the start of the street to get on to the main road as we approached the sign for the start of Forest Road, we stopped at a kid's small lemonade stand since you need to support the local businesses. "You know, we're going to need some beer for this trip.", I said to Cayden.

"Oh yeah I know but your sister said we didn't."

"Oh shit". My sister though she was my family and one of my best friends, was the most stubborn person I've met. If she said no to something that was final. Even when everything outweighed her argument.

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