Chapter 8-Wednesday, July 7th, 1999

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I woke up to an empty room to my surprise. I walked through to go for a shower and could hear the voices of all the boys, I guess they really couldn't wait for the party and to be honest neither could I, so I went and quickly got changed. I walked downstairs to the living room to see Cayden, Flynn, Boddicker, Colt, Asher, Psych, and JP cracking into the beer already.

"Jesus Christ, could you guys not wait?" I asked.

"Nah man this is going to be the party of the Summer." Said JP.

"Yeah, I can't wait to set those fireworks off everywhere." Added Psych.

"Well, I guess I'll join you guys then," I said as Cayden handed me a beer. "Are any of the girls ready at all?" I asked.

"Nope, they're all semi-awake." Said Flynn. "

What do you mean semi-awake?" I asked.

"By that, he means that he went and banged on their door at half seven and they told him to fuck off." Said Boddicker.

"You guys have been drinking since half seven?" I said.

"No. half eight." Said Flynn.

"Right so I've only missed an hour of drinking," I said.

"An hour of lots of drinking." Said, Colt.

"Yeah, there were a lot of shotguns going." Added Asher. We kept on drinking for about an hour which was filled with mostly drinking games and people chugging their beer like water when finally, the girls got down.

"Fucking hell, you guys will be so drunk by tonight." Said Franchesca.

"Well, that's where your wrong cos if we drink now and get decently drunk then stop when we set up the party and carry on once everyone gets there, we'll be fine." Said Flynn.

"I don't think that's how it works Flynn." Said Maya.

"Well, these will sober us up." Said Cayden showing the ecstasy off.

"Yeah those might do the job," Said Liv. The girls then joined and made us slow down the drinking since we still needed to cycle all the stuff over to the place. The clock finally hit one and we got up to go set up. "Okay so everyone has what we need?" Asked Liv. We then cycled over to the place with no slip-ups, well apart from Colt falling off his bike the second we left but apart from that, we got there with no slip-ups. Kaya, Hope, and Faith were there waiting for us with some food and a fold-up table.

"Why do all the boys look drunk?" Asked Hope.

"Cos, they are." Said Liv.

"Really but it's only half-past one." Said Kaya.

"Yeah, that's what we said." Added Maya.

"Idiots," Said Faith as the girls laughed in agreement as they were watching us trying to unpack all the equipment and booze.

"Right are you ready Cayden?" I said as we were trying to lift the generator.

"Yeah man, I'm ready." He replied as we lifted it.

"Liv, where is this going?" I shouted.

"Up next to all the DJ stuff." She shouted back. We lifted the generator up the slope to where Asher and Colt were setting up the decks and speakers.

"Where did you guys get that from?" Asked Colt.

"My brother had it for his garage." Said Cayden as we dropped it on the ground.

"Won't he need it?" Asked Asher.

"No. Well, maybe but probably not. Well, I hope probably not." Replied Cayden.

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