Chapter 4-Saturday July 3rd,1999

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I was woken up by the sound of Cayden shouting outside. I went out and was scorched by the roasting heat, I saw Cayden shoot up from Reservoir. "You coming in?" he shouted.

"Yeah I'll be back in a sec" I shouted back as I went back into the tent.

"Can you cover your eyes while I get change?"

"I think you're the first person to ever tell their girlfriend to look away"

"Yeah, that's a good point". I got changed and went out, the sun was even hotter than it was yesterday, it was so hot that the stone ground would burn my feet if I kept on it too long. I quickly made my way to the water. I got in then walked out a bit before swimming the rest in the ring to Cayden, who was sitting in the other ring smoking a cigarette.

"Cigarette?" He offered.


"Would you want one?"

"Yeah but they're back at the tent"

"Oh, that's where you're wrong". He then pulled out a packet of cigarettes covered in a dozen completely sealed plastic bags with a lighter in with them. He unraveled it and offered me one. I took it in my mouth and light it. The rest of the rag-tags then finally joined us.

"Where did you get those cigarettes from?" Asked Boddicker, Cayden then showed off his proud invention.

"Would it not be easier to keep them on land?" asked Maya.

"Yeah but I'm saving time by doing this". It was about noon and we had finally packed up our stuff and started walking back home. Even though walking up to the reservoir took about an hour and a half, the walk down was a lot shorter. Me and Liv were walking at the front leading the way. Our arms were swinging by our sides then our hands bumped into each other and she interlocked her fingers between mine. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Wait till they see this," I said,

"Oh, I know, they're going to freak the fuck out"

"WHAT THE FUCKI?" I heard Flynn shout followed by a collection of footsteps running down the dry, dusty path.

"When did this happen?" Said Maya.

"Yeah, why weren't we told?" Said Franchesca.

"Yeah, I thought we were best friends, I told you that I was going out with Franchesca the second after it happened." Said Cayden.

"Well, that's cos I was there...and set yous up."

"So, when did this happen?" Asked Boddicker.

"It only happened this morning Boddicker," Said Liv.

"How? Cayden was the first one up." Said Flynn.

"It was at sunrise, I went out since my head was really sore and she followed, then we started going out"

"You know this means you owe me ten Flynn" Said Maya.

"How?" Said Liv.

"Because we had a bet if you guys would ever get together and I said yous would so." Replied Maya moving her hand out for the money.

"This means we can finally go on a double date." Said Franchesca to Liv.

"And there'll be less awkward flirting now well apart from Flynn and Maya." Said Cayden as Boddicker laughed. Flynn and Maya looked at each other and grew red. We finally got back home. It was Mom's day off, so she was in the living room, cigarette in hand, watching some "Friends" with Johnny Walker. He was her boyfriend; everyone would always make unfunny jokes about a Runner and a Walker getting together. He was a couple of years older than her and was chilled and nice, He had black hair that was swept over to the right, he was also wearing an orange jumper with some light blue jeans, kind of like mine but less worn and more looked after and some black shoes.

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