Chapter 9-Wednesday, July 14th, 1999

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It was one week later and Boddicker was back out of the hospital and everything was back to normal. I woke with something on my chest, I looked down and saw two black beady eyes looking back at me. It was a fucking snake.

"Jesus h fucking Christ!" I shouted jumping out of bed before smacking the snake with a bat from Flynn's sports equipment. Cayden and Flynn woke with a jump and looked around startled. This was when I noticed the snake wasn't moving and was damaged from the hit so, I poked it with the bat then picked it up. "Rubber," I said.

"You woke us up because of a fucking rubber snake?" Said Flynn.

"Jesus, how scared of snakes are you?" asked Cayden.

"Look, it looked really real," I said.

"Does really real even make sense?" Asked Flynn.

"Makes sense to me," Said Boddicker giggling to himself.

"I take it, this was your handy work," I said.

"You know it" replied Boddicker with a proud grin on his face.

"Aren't we old enough to not prank each other?" I asked.

"Yeah we are but we still need to get you back for all the pranks you did to us." Said Boddicker.

"To be honest, he's right you did play a lot of pranks, like when you told the whole school that you were moving to Boston so that you could get out of homework and have a leaving party." Added Cayden.

"That was a masterpiece and it helped you guys out as well," I said. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, we opened it to see the girl.

"What was all the screaming about?" Asked Maya. Boddicker lifted the fake snake up.

"Aw, so Ford just got scared over a little snake." Said Liv.

"That is not fucking small," I said.

"It's small compared to all the other snakes in the world" Said Liv

"Also, we have plans for you guys, the carnival is in town, so Hope has said we should go there now that Boddicker is home." Said Franchesca as I thought about how big the snakes Liv was talking about were and scaring myself a bit.

"Yeah that sounds good," Said Cayden as we all got changed and ready as I continued scaring myself with the thought of giant snakes. We waited about the house watching some "Mad TV" until around seven then we went to the carnival to meet up with everyone, once we got there, we were greeted with cheers.

"You don't look too bad for someone who got the shit smacked out of them." Said Psych.

"Psych be polite but he's right, you healed up good." Added Kaya.

"And now you get to celebrate it since Hope organized this night." Said Faith.

"Yeah, thanks for this Hope," Said Boddicker with a smile to which Hope replied with a smile.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I want to get on some rides" Said Flynn leading the way. Everyone split off into groups, so it was me and Liv, Franchesca, Cayden, Hope, and Colt then rest in a group. Me and Liv went to the stalls to win some prices since that's what I did every time the carnival was in town which is why my room was filled with a range of different carnival prices ranging from foam fingers to beer helmets.

"Why do you always look at the ground?" asked Liv as we walked down past some stalls.

"Cos I always find money on the ground here," I said without looking up from my search.

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