Chapter 14-Saturday, July 24th, 1999

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I woke up in a shining white hospital room, I looked around and saw the group plus Mom and Johnny sleeping around me.

"What...what happened?" I said in a quiet wispy voice.

"Aw fuck you're awake, I thought you were a dead man," Said Boddicker as everyone woke. My mum burst up and hugged me while tears poured out her eyes.

"Aw, my baby boy" she cried.

"Careful there, Mrs. Runner," Said the doctor as he walked into the door and stood next to my bed. "Well son, I'm glad you're awake, you had us all scared when you came from that ambulance", I felt my Mom and Liv grab my hands. I looked at them and saw tears. I must have been in a bad state.

"Wh...What...What happened to me?" I asked

"Well you had a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, it's a type of stroke caused by bleeding on the surface of the brain. It was caused by some major head injuries that caused you to have a brain aneurysm. When we did a scan of you after the operation..."

"Wait you operated on me?"

"Yes, we did otherwise you would have died." Said the doctor. Fuck I could have died, what happens if this fucks me up for life, the thoughts bounced around as the doctor continued. "As I was saying before, your brain was quite beaten up. Now we have some medicine to help with some short-term effects and then after that, you'll be fine. But you'll need to recover for a bit then we'll let you out. We also have some pamphlets of some advice to keep in mind like try to avoid bumping your head or you may undo the surgery." He walked out of the room and I looked around.

"Well some good news least you don't have a big scar from the surgery" Said Flynn

"Ha-ha guess that's true" I replied

"Only person I know who would laugh just after nearly dying" Said Hope

"Well I'm unique," I said

"You sure are my boy," My mon said with a smile on her face. Everyone else smiled and laughed apart from Franchesca, Cayden, and Liv, they were probably pissed that I lied to them but soon they put on a smile, but I think it was just for show.

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