Chapter 11-Friday, July 16th, 1999

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I woke up and noticed a massive drool mark from where I was sleeping. I got up and rubbed my head which was now less sore, I looked around to see Flynn and Boddicker still sleeping but no Cayden, he must have slept downstairs. I poured some food into the fishbowl and went downstairs where I saw Franchesca and Cayden sleeping with a note from Mom on the table telling them to not fall asleep with the TV on. I went through to the kitchen and changed the dressing on my hand and added more cream.

"Hey man, are you okay?" I turned around to see Cayden, standing there, I must have woken him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. My heads perfectly fine." I replied

"Aw good, I think you should go to the doctors though or even go see Liv's Dad cos that could be something serious."

"It will just be from hitting my head in the crash, I'll be fine man. Trust me"

"Okay but you better be, I can't have my best friend missing out on the greatest party of the year."

"You know I won't let my kindergarten buddy down," I smirked towards and he smirked back. Kindergarten buddies are what me and Cayden called each other since we first met in there when we both had the same Luke Skywalker figure and the rest is long, messy history. Then we saw Liv come down the stairs.

"How come you skipped your shower today Ford?" She asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"well I heard you get up and when I went to the bathroom, it was empty, and I just know that the first thing you do is take a shower and I just thought it was odd."

Cayden looked at me with concern that maybe my head was bad and was affecting me. I quickly thought of an excuse.

"I was just checking to see where Cayden and Franchesca" I spat out quickly

"Aw, that's okay."

Cayden looked at me again as I made my way to the shower upstairs. After that I got changed and added more new dressing to my hand since I needed to take off the one, I placed on before the shower. Once I was back downstairs me, Liv, Cayden, and Franchesca watched some repeats of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-air" until the rest of the group all came down.

"Right are we all ready to do this?" I asked.

"You know it, bro, this night is going to be sick." Said Flynn.

"Yeah, then we'll be the kings of summer, wait can Hope join the group?" asked Boddicker.

"Yeah, of course, it's not the Illuminati" Said Maya. Hope smiled, she was no longer the quiet twin of the more popular sister, who only got invited to parties because her sister was head cheerleader, She finally had a group of friends that wanted her around. Around one o'clock we picked up the gear from the shed and cycled to the spot to set up. I was trying to set up Asher's DJ decks when I realized, the generator wasn't there.

"Hey Liv" I shouted


"Where's the generator?"

"Aw fuck, Bryan took it back. Go get Cayden and get it back." I walked over to Cayden and Hope nailing bin bags to some trees.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"Liv realized we didn't have any bins so; she's making us put bin bags around, so the forest doesn't get wrecked" Said Hope.

"Aw, well are you, okay getting Flynn over to do it or someone else cos I need Cayden"

"Flynn is away somewhere but I should be fine since there's not much more to do" Replied Hope with a smile. Me and Cayden walked along to the bikes but just as we were about to cycle off, Franchesca stopped me.

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