Chapter 13-Friday, July 23rd, 1999

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The party put us out of commission for about a week since most people were coming down or had a hangover from hell, Some unlucky bastards even got a mixture of both...I was one of them. Thankfully soon we started feeling human again and everyone even came back over to ours to stay, not much happened but today we were finally feeling better, so we went out. We went down to the park that was at the front of town that we called the front green since it was green and at the front of the town, fairly simple well unless you're Flynn. "So, is that summer pretty much over?" Asked Flynn

"Nah dude, there's still some shit to do right?" Said Boddicker puffing out smoke as he lay with his head on Hope's knees.

"Did you guys both forget that Psych and Kaya are having a party for Kaya's birthday tonight?" Said Hope

"When did they say that?" Asked Cayden.

"At the party, they said they'll have one" answered Hope

"There's still a good few hours to kill before that" Said Franchesca

"We could go to the cinema?" Said Maya. The cinema was part of the drive-in theatre at the top of town. The cinema was used during the day and drive-in at night.

"Yeah, can finally use that discount we got." Said Liv.

"And we can get some free refills from the best assistant manager and cleaner of Phoenix cinema and drive-in." Said Boddicker.

"Hey, I'm more than just a cleaner also I can't get free refills...I only get free cleaning gloves." I said.

"But they're the best cleaner gloves" Liv smiled at me, trying to make me feel better about my job. We got to the cinema and looked at the listing of films, there was a wide range of choices and I knew this was going to cause an argument and to my surprise it did.

"There's no way in hell, I'm watching "Eyes Wide Shut". It's shit, we should watch "American Pie"." Said Flynn.

"How do you know it's shit?" Asked Maya.

"Cos, I have shit detector"

"Dude what does that even mean?" asked Boddicker

"It means I detect shit well"

"Didn't you stand in some dog shit on the way over?" Asked Cayden with a laugh.

"I mean shit as in quality-wise, but can we go back to buying "American Pie" tickets."

"How about we see "The Blair Witch Project"," I said

"What's that?" asked Liv

"Seriously you guys haven't heard about this?" I asked. They all looked at me blankly. "It's about these three college kids and they go into the woods to find this witch then all this weird shit starts happening. Also, it's real and they're still missing to this day."

"That sounds pretty cool, I kinda want to see that," said Hope.

"Why don't we see all three?" Suggested Maya.

"That would pass the time a lot quicker," said Liv.

"And we all get what we want" Said Cayden. We all looked at Flynn who looked annoyed.

"Fine but I won't enjoy it." He said with a huff like the five-year-old he is. We went and got our tickets for the three movies and enough snacks and drinks for "Eyes Wide Shut". The movie finished, and we all walked out confused.

"What the fuck was that?" I said.

"Kubrick must have been smoking some good weed to write that" Said Boddicker

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