Chapter 16-Sunday, August 8th, 1999

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I woke up to see Liv with one blanket wrapped around her and the orange glow of the sunrise coming in through the window she was looking through.

"Hey, you're up early," I said rubbing my head.

"Or you're up late" She joked.

"Probably that, I'm going to get breakfast"

"Are you not going for a shower first?"

"Aw, shit forgot about that."

"Ford are you sure you're okay? Even after the operation, you seem to be forgetting a lot of stuff."

"Yeah the surgery would have cleared everything up"

"Don't do that bull shit thing you do, you said you'd stop." Fuck she knows something isn't right with me.

"Okay, I've got a bit of a sore head"

"Aw okay the leaflet said to take some of these if that happens. As for forgetting stuff we'll try and see the doctor". She came and sat back down on the couch and hugged me. We fell back asleep and then got woken up at nine by the rest of the rag tags coming back. They were all still drunk and busted into the room.

"Woah what's happening here?" Shouted Cayden

"Holy shit, Ford put some boxers on" Said Franchesca

"Get out of the room and I will!" I shouted back. The rest of the group came over to see what the noise was about, and all had the same reaction. They finally closed the door and we got changed and we walked downstairs to see them.

"Good to see you with some clothes on" Said Cayden

"Good to see you're all still drunk" I replied

"Well it was a good party, you guys missed out," said Franchesca

"I think we had a good night as well" Smiled Liv as we sat down on the couch.

"You won't be saying that when the aids that Ford gave you kick in" Joked Flynn as Boddicker laughed and Maya hit him on the arm.

"I think it's sweet you guys," Said Hope "I wish Boddicker could be a bit more romantic"

"I am romantic, I took you on that nice walk up that hill" Snapped Boddicker

"To smoke weed" Added Hope, we all laughed when suddenly my stomach rumbled.

"Well I think it's time for breakfast," I said walking up to the kitchen and opening the fridge to find some food. I was looking over what we could have, seems all there was, was Flynn's bacon "Flynn I'm using some of your bacon" I shouted

"That's sweet as long as you make me some" He shouted back as he sat and watched some "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", the rest joined me and cooked some breakfast which they quickly ate before going to bed as their hangovers kicked in. Me and Liv just chilled for the rest of the day until the night where the zombies got out of their beds and came down with a bunch of bags.

"What's all this for?" I asked

"We're going camping up at our old den" Said Cayden

"Well least we're not carrying every item in the house this time" Joked Liv

"Hey, if I didn't pack all of that stuff, we wouldn't have had a fire" Snapped Franchesca. She was right but I would also say Maya helped more with her quick thinking. We picked up our bags and walked to the woods, it was getting dark now with the orange leaves blending into the dark sky. This was it, the end of summer I thought to myself as I sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Cayden

"Just that's pretty much summer over" I complained

"Dude we're going to college that's like a permeant summer with parties all the time" Added Boddicker

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