Chapter 2-Thursday, July 1st,1999

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I woke up to the sunshine coming in through a small gap in my blinds. I looked around, everyone still asleep. Sweet, I get the shower first I thought, I picked up my stuff, I used my Walkman and some headphones since I didn't want to wake up the others since it wasn't just my triplets, once I got to the bathroom and opened the door. I saw the best thing in the world. Stood there just out of the shower facing away from me was Liv, butt naked.

"Holy shit...oh wait eh...oh sorry," I said closing the door and going very red in the face. Liv walked out. "S-sorry about that," I said rubbing the back of my head-it's something I did when I was embarrassed or in an awkward situation-

"It's okay, just ask next time" She joked with a punch to my arm before walking to Franchesca's room. Holy fuck, did she just flirt with me? Does this mean I might finally get to go out with Liv O'Riley? All the thoughts were racing around my head like a five-year-old high on a sugar rush. I got ready and headed downstairs. She was sat there eating some cereal, I made mine and sat next to her.

"So that incident was awkward eh?" I said,

"Yeah, but what can I expect from a little perv"

"I didn't look actually, why would I want to look?"

"How was my butt that fat and ugly that you didn't like it?"

"No, I wait I didn'"

"Ha, told you, you were looking"

"I really need to stop falling for your tricks"

"Well maybe stop being so stupid"

"I'm not stupid"

"Ford, you forget I have classes with you, I've seen your answers"

"Yeah, well I can't be that dumb since someone copies me"

"What you talking about Wiles?" She said in her best Gary Coleman impression which wasn't the best.

"Liv, you have all these beautiful features, but your breathing is really fucking heavy and I felt it on my neck when you would look over my shoulders". Her face grew red but then her glowing smile appeared again along with her dimples, and she spoke softly,

"Wait did you just call me beautiful there as well?" I went to speak then paused then spoke,

"I guess I did"

"Alright fuckers" Said Flynn coming down with Boddicker

"Morning" I replied,

"Did we just interrupt some more flirting between you two?" Said Boddicker turning on some "Boy Meets World" and sitting down, me and Liv looked at each other then we both turned and answered no at the same time.

"Somehow doubt that" Said Maya walking over to the kitchen

"Why is everyone making an entrance today?" I said to no answer. In the kitchen, Flynn had just finished making his infamous meatwich-this was a sandwich which consisted of 3 pieces of microwaved bacon, five slices of ham, four slices of salami, and a handful of beef jerky covered in hot sauce- and closed door and bumped into Maya and got the sauce stained into her t-shirt.

"Aw fuck...I'll clean it." He said grabbing a cloth and rubbing at the stain.

"No...wait...I'll do it," Maya said as she went to grab the cloth. She ended up grabbing Flynn's hand the two then looked at each other and grew about as red as Maya's hair. They quickly let go and went to opposite ends. Me, Boddicker, and Liv all exchanged looks, Boddicker then mouthed I think they like each other to which Liv mouthed back something must have happened in the closet. I then did the sign language or at least what I thought was the official sign language sign for sex was by shoving my finger into a hole I made with my other fingers. Boddicker mouthed really with a shocked look,

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