Chapter 17-Monday, August 9th, 1999

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We woke up to the sun shining through the small gaps between the logs. I got up and went outside and looked around, the rest of the group came out and joined me, it really had been an amazing summer.

"Guys, did you all bring something important as I told you to?" Asked Hope. We all nodded and then she pulled out an old box, "I was thinking we should make a time capsule and then come back and open it in ten years"

"That sounds good to cool to me," I said

"Will be a good way to remember this summer," Said Cayden. Hope opened the box and we all placed in our item, I placed in the lucky band that my brother gave me, Flynn put in his cap, Franchesca put in a necklace Mom gave her, Cayden put in his lucky lighter, Boddicker put in his favourite cassette tape of music and a Walkman, Maya put in her mood ring, Liv put in her shell ring and Hope put in a pair of earrings that she had gotten on holiday in Mexico. We locked them in the box and just as we were going to bury them, I remembered something.

"Wait I think I know a better place to bury it," I said

"Where?" asked Flynn

"Center's Climb," I said. Centre's climb was the biggest hill in Shade cove, it sat on the outskirts, north from the centre part of town and overlooked the whole area you could even see some other towns in the distance

"Why there?" questioned Maya

"Was where we all became friends." Said Liv

"Aw yeah I remember that day," said Hope. The day they were talking about was when we all happened to be walking with our families and met at the top randomly. We spent the day up playing and messing around and just before the sunset, we all agreed to be friends, even though some of us were already friends.

"Wait Colt, JP, Faith, Kaya, Psych and Asher were there too," Said Maya

"Yeah, feel like we should get them as well," Said Cayden

"Right well we'll go get them and then head up," I said. We then packed up and walked home to drop our bags off before going around to everyone's house to get them. We got to the start of the path that led up the hill. "Right before we go you guys still have your things for the time capsule?"

"Yeah," said Colt

"Sweet, cos once we're up a good bit we won't be able to turn back around since then we would miss the sunset," I said as we walked up the hill. On that cool summer evening, we walked alongside the trees on the outskirts of town up the hill as we talked, shared stories about the past, and thought about what the future would bring. Each moment was as unique as the colors dancing through the sky as the sun fell behind the clouds, slowly fading below the horizon. As the darkness began to surround us, the fireflies woke from their sleep, glowing in the darkness with their light, like glowing embers drifting all around us. We were finally at the top of the hill, overlooking the town. I took out the time capsule and got the others to add their items, JP his bottle opener, Faith her cheer captain band, Colt his lucky ring, Kaya her favorite guitar pick, Psych his beanie, and Asher, his first song recorded on a tape. We then buried it and looked at the sight. High school is over. This summer could be the last time all of us will be together. We looked upon the town in which we lived our entire lives. Never again will we walk through a field in the glow of the sunset. Never again will we walk up an old dusty path in the woods to go drink beer. Never again will we sit around after school singing along to songs on the radio. In just a few short weeks we'll move on, broaden our horizons, grow up, and make our own path in the world. I knew we were all excited for the future and new beginnings, but I also knew we all couldn't help but feel we are losing a part of ourselves, and that in order to gain new experiences and new knowledge, we must first leave something behind. No words are necessary. We all exchange knowing glances through watery eyes and bittersweet smiles. The only thing I cherish more than those close to me is the moments spent with them. Enjoy those moments with your loved ones and remember them fondly, since you never know when it will be the last time.

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