Chapter 6-Monday, July 5th, 1999

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I woke up in one of the many guest rooms of the farmhouse. I looked around and got up not realising that Liv was lying on me, so she hit the ground with a fud which sent the dogs up and over to her. She got up as the dogs sniffed her and licked her hands. "Aw fuck that hurt." She said rubbing her head.

"Yeah sorry about that didn't realise you were there."

"Well maybe use that twenty/twenty vision next time."

"Hey, don't be jealous that my eyesight is crystal clear."

"I'm not jealous of your eyesight.". We moved through the hallway filled with people ranging from sound asleep to still carrying on the party.

"Well see I think you are I mean they are perfect," I said as I realised that this might be something that winds her up.

"They're nice eyes and they are good but I'm not jealous of them.". We started walking down the stairs.

"Oh, you are so jealous of my eyes" I smirked with an extra pinch of ego to wind her up even more.

"I'm not fucking jealous." She said raising her voice a bit.

"Ha-ha-ha told you I would find something that winds you up." I laughed. Her face grew red as she realised that I was winding her up the whole time.

"No that's not fair." She grabbed my arm to pull me back

"Sorry, Liv but it's official, I wound you up." I laughed. She put on a sad puppy face and looked up at me. "Ha, I have a better chance of pronouncing my r's right than forgetting about this," I said as we got down to the ground floor hallway.

"Aw, you can be an ass sometimes." She said with a sigh.

"Hey, you're the one going out with me and put up with me for all the years before that."

"Well, that's because you're nice and fun but still an ass." She said smiling as we got into the kitchen, where those who were awake were having some of Uncle John's famous pancakes.

"Holy shit. You're alive." Said Flynn spitting pancake out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?" I asked, picking up a plate and loading on a couple of pancakes.

"Well, you had enough drink to kill someone" Said Franchesca.

"Yeah like a dangerous amount, you should probably go to a doctor." Said Maya.

"Yeah, but you'll miss out on Time capsule's special deal." Said Cayden

"And their unreal food." Added Boddicker.

"Exactly which is why I won't be going to a doctor since I'll be fine," I said digging into my pancakes. The time capsule was an amusement park couple of hours away from us and after every fourth of July they would have cheap entry and cheap fast passes...oh and there is super unhealthy food which means it was tasty as fuck. We waited till about twelve and we tested Cayden with a breathalyser, and it came up with all zeros.

"How come your body gets rid of alcohol so fast?" asked Franchesca.

"I just piss a lot." He smiled.

"Wow, very charming."

"That's why you love me"

"Hey Asher, do you want to come along as well?" I asked.

"Nah man, I have a walk with Kaya to go on."

"Oh, a walk, you know what that means?" said Cayden.

"Means, Asher and Kaya are getting it onnnnnnn." Said Boddicker.

"Hahaha nah guys. It's just as friends." Replied Asher as he got on his bike and cycled away. "See ya" He shouted pulling onto the road. We waved back and hoped in Cayden's minivan. We drove to our house and picked up some new clothes and headed to Time capsule. It was about an hour and a half into the journey when me and Cayden heard the start of "You make my dreams." Flynn and Boddicker started to imitate the instruments then Cayden sang the first line

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