Chapter 12-Friday, July 16th, 1999

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Everyone we had invited was finally here now and the whole party was going to plan, we actually managed to pull off the greatest party. I looked around at the amazing site: up on the decks was Asher playing music with Kaya flirting with him, Flynn, Psych, Maya, JP plus his brother and Duke were setting fireworks into the sky and handing out sparklers to everyone, Cam, Cayden, Franchesca and Cayden's brother plus his friend were playing beer pong while Faith and Colt watched and then Boddicker and Hope were smoking joints with Fog and his crew.

"This is awesome, we did it, Ford." Said Liv, looking at me with her eyes but there was something different about them. Her pupils were massive, her eyes were pretty much black pearls.

"What's up with your eyes?" I asked

"Aw I took one of those pills that Cayden got, I got one for you and well, they're really good." She talked a lot faster now which really showed how raspy her voice really was.

"Ha-ha I know. I have taken them before". I picked up the small capsule that once was used to store some medicine but now contained some MDMA. I put it in my mouth, swallowed some of my drink, and waited. It was around an hour since I took the pill and I was sitting talking to Asher and Kaya when I felt it. It was a sudden rush of goodness; the drugs had finally hit me, and it felt amazing not as good as the first time I took it but still amazing and it must have been obvious it hit me since Kaya and Asher picked up on it straight away.

"Woah Ford, did you take one of those pills?" Asked Kaya

"Yeah, how come?"

"Your pupils are huge dude" Said Asher

"When did you take it?" Kaya asked

"Like around an hour ago"

"Aw sweet that means mine should kick in soon" Smiled Kaya with ecstasy not like actually ecstasy, but the feeling.

"Wait you took one as well?" Said Asher surprised.

"Yeah man, pretty much everyone has," Kaya said back

"Isn't it dangerous?" Asher spoke in a nervous tone.

"It can be, just don't take too much. Just take like half." Said Kaya handing one over.

"Yeah listen to Kaya...oh and make sure to have some water if you take some," I said walking off to try and find Liv and the rest of the rag tags. After searching for a couple of minutes I found them but just as I was about to talk, the music cut off and I heard his voice.

"Where's the little bitch that I smacked the shit out of?"

The crowd split apart so that I could get a clear view of Tobias and his crew of around seven guys.

"What are you doing here Tobias?" I asked.

"I came to finish that worm" He pointed his bat towards Boddicker, I walked towards him as the crowd started to form a circle around us.

"No, you ain't. The only person you're fighting here is me" I said

"Look at you. A drugged-up loser. You have no chance with my crew here."

"That's why we're here" Said Flynn as he walked forward with Cayden.

"Yeah fuck you, you cock sucking mega cunt" Said Cayden. Fuck I wanted to be the one that said something cool, right well I'm going to do something else now to have my cool Moment.

"How about you go back to your freak of..." Said Tobias before I ran hit him in the face with a superman punch. Cayden and Flynn joined the charge going after the goons mainly while I faced off against Tobias. I kicked his bat away from him then he kicked me in the chest causing me to fall to the ground which I hit with a fud as I heard Asher put on "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting". I got back up and tackled Tobias to the ground and hit him in the face several times before one of his goons came and grabbed me off, he hit me in the face before being smacked into next week from a shoulder barge from Flynn.

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