Chapter 15-Saturday, August 7th, 1999

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A couple of weeks passed, and I was out, the doctors said I had an incredibly fast recovery. I got home in the afternoon and we chilled just like normal but around seven o'clock Liv came through and asked me a question.

"Ford, can you come on a walk with me?"

"Yeah sure," I said. We walked until we got to a bit in woods that had the old train tracks passing through. This was the place I took Liv back when her Mom and Dad split up, why was she taking me here? We kept walking under the pink clouds which were mixed with the orange setting sun in the light blue sky which had the moon resting in it as well.

"You know I wish you would have been honest with me Ford," She said

"I know but you know I don't like people worrying about me"

"It doesn't matter Ford you could have died."

"I would have been fine since it's my job to look after all you guys"

"Ford we all look out for each other, if you keep the world on your shoulders, you'll be ruined soon. You need to look after yourself too" I sat down on the tracks, I knew she was right, but I didn't want to admit it.

"I know but"

"But nothing! we all look out for each, we'll all take the weight" she raised her voice a bit, I looked at her. "Ford if you don't start caring about yourself then soon you might die for real this time" I didn't know what to say, she was right, but I always was the one that looked after everyone, I don't need to be looked after, I didn't matter.

"I'm sorry, I just never thought about it like that. I never really thought I mattered when bad things happened, as long as you guys were okay, everything was fine."

"Ford you do matter, you have to talk about your problems as well instead of trying to help everyone"

"I know and I will, I promise" I stood and held her hands "I hope you guys do as good a job as I did though" I grinned.

"Won't be hard" She smiled, and we walked back home. JP was going to have a party for me though I decided to stay in with Liv while the rest partied and Mom went to Johnny's. We sat in my room playing "Tekken 3". "How come you're not wanting to go?" She asked.

"I just wanted to spend time with you, especially after this" I replied as I knocked her character out

"Good and since we're spending some time together, there's something else I want to talk about" She paused the game and turned to me. "Do you remember when my parents got divorced three years ago and you gave me that chat, I just need another one of those?"

"Here come with me" I lent her my hand and lead the way out of my window and onto the roof, after I convinced her I wouldn't fall off, she was making sure I was safe from another injury, we looked at the sun just about gone and the moon shining down on our heads. "So, what's up?" I said lighting a cigarette.

"It's this whole college thing, I'm just nervous if I fail."

"You won't fail, you're so smart Liv. Even if you do somehow fail, you just remember what I said back when your parent split up"

"Life is just like a rubber band, you'll get pulled back and the further you get pulled back, the further forward you're going to fly when life lets go. I couldn't forget it. But it's easy for you to say that, you always seem to bounce back from everything. I mean look you've just bounced back from death"

"I only bounce back because of you guys. If I didn't have you guys, I wouldn't be nearly as confident, happy, or alive as I am." I wasn't telling her the complete truth, I don't always bounce back, actually most of the time I don't bounce back because I don't talk about my problems much, I more or less just put on a brave face and be there for everyone else while all my bad thoughts and concerns build up in my head

"We are a good group of friends, but we might not be friends at college. That's what's getting me worried cos I won't have you guys by my side to help." This thought had been troubling everyone including me but I need to give Liv a bit of hope.

"We'll still be your friends and also do what I do when you guys aren't around and just go on a walk and look at nature, why do you think I took us out on the roof?" We looked at the sky for a bit before I decided to get up. "Come on let's go back inside, I think we need another game". We went back inside, and I sat on the couch, and to my surprise, Liv sat on my knee facing me then start kissing me. HOLY FUCKING FUCK, we're so going to fucking fuck, my mind was racing, can you blame me, we all like sex. She pulled her top off but then it got stuck over her head and I helped.

"Here let me help" I pulled the top off and looked at her eyes. "S-s-someone nervous?" I joked

"I think someone else is as well" She smiled then there was a fud downstairs. Aw shit, I better not be getting cock blocked.

"Hello. Who's here?" Ishouted. Must have just been the washing machine. We started again and Livremoved her bra as I removed my top, her skin was warm against mine as I pickedher up and moved her onto her back, and removed her pants and underwear. Thatnight I finally got to have sex with Liv O'Riley, and she was right sex withsomeone you love is different, it felt better than just some fuck with a personyou've known for about an hour. We lay on the couch still naked and covered inblankets with her on my chest as we fell asleep.

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