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CH 30 : The Date___________________

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CH 30 : The Date

I WAS awoken from my sleep, the sound of ceramic plates colliding with wood greeting my not-so-conscious self. I rolled around on my bed, burying my face on my cloud-like pillow as I let out a muffled groan. After a few minutes of staying in that position, I finally decided to get out off bed.

I stretched my limbs out as soon as I stood up, letting the sunlight from outside shine on my back. My feet then started moving towards the door lazily with my still half-open eyes as I yawned. I opened the door and was surprised to see someone cooking. Oh right, I heard plates earlier. It was Jungkook, he still doesn't seem to notice my presence as he started to lift one side of the egg, then eventually lifting it all up as it flew in the air for a few seconds, the oil making sizzling noises as soon as the egg hit the surface of the pan.

I closed the door behind me and that is when he came to notice my presence. He turned around and met my still haggard self since I did just got off of the bed. We met eyes for a few seconds, but I immediately looked away. "That looks tasty," I said as I lifted my hands and started rubbing my nape. "Thanks," Jungkook replied shortly.

Awkwardness started filling the air, it was suffocating, so I made the decision to just move along to the bathroom. But Jungkook's voice stopped me before I could even reach the door. "Do you like it this way, Erelah?" He asked as I heard the sizzling noises stop. No, I don't like this.

"Because I don't..." He said a long silence following. "Go on a date with me tonight and I won't take no as an answer." I turned around and looked at him after hearing what he said. "I'm sorry, but we have to settle this like adults. I don't have much time left here and I don't wanna leave this country while we're like this."

Well, that sure woke me up.


The morning has passed, the sun was no longer good for the skin and the temperature outside was less chilly. I had a set of outfits laid out in my bed. They were in total: three. My phone was in my hand as I raised it higher in order for Tina to see the outfits better. "I still can't believe you haven't gone to a date, considering your age."

That hurt, but she was just stating facts. My first date is a fine man though, so it's a win in my opinion. "Though, I gotta say these outfits are good. Relah's got style." A smile reached my lips as I heard her compliment me. "Thanks, Tina."

The first outfit I picked, which was on the right side of the bed, was a light brown oversized sweater paired with a black skirt and black boots. The one in the middle is a white long-sleeved top its ends flowy, with a very pretty square neckline. It was paired with a denim skirt and white sneakers and last but not the least, the one on the left was a black t-shirt layered with a white denim jacket paired with white shorts and black high-top sneakers.

"Hmmmm, the third option is the one I like the most. But in my opinion, it isn't date material," Tina stated as I observed her eyes scanning the two outfits left on my bed. "Ok, let's go with number two!" I let out a sigh of relief after hearing her decision, because out of these three outfits, it was the one I liked the most.

"You red my mind, Tina. Thanks for the help. But I better get ready now." I expressed my gratitude as I flipped my camera, so Tina can finally see me. "No problem, Relah. Have a good time." And the call ended after that one sentence. I threw my phone on the fluffy mattress, the metallic phone jumping around twice before it stayed in its place.

I looked at the outfit Tina had chose and picked it up. "Don't disappoint me. I really like you."

A few minutes has passed and I finally was dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. Feeling rather conscious of myself. To be honest, this long sleeve has been in my closet for the longest time and I never got the courage to actually wear it. There's just something about the neckline that is out of the ordinary for me.

But it no longer mattered. I had no time to change outfits. My eyes traveled to my face, my hair was up in a ponytail. Yes, my short hair has finally grown a few inches longer and now I could tie it. I curled its ends to make it less plain-looking. I wasn't wearing a lot of makeup, just the bare minimum. I lathered on some concealer on my eyebags, since they weren't looking so good. Gave my cheeks some color with blush and gave some life to my eyes and lips by putting on mascara and lipstick.

I was ready to go.

I let out a deep sigh as I headed back to my bed and picked out my handbag, hanging it on my shoulder afterward as I made my way to the door.

And as soon as I got out of my room I saw Jungkook's back in the living room. He was sitting on the couch. The sound of his shoes tapping on the floor filled up the quiet place. How long was he waiting? I asked myself. Hoping I didn't take that long.

I closed the door behind me. The sound of it closing, stopped him from tapping his feet on the floor. He got up immediately and faced me. My eyes scanned him from head to toe and I gotta say he looked stunning with his slick back hair, white button-up jeans with a black belt accentuating his tiny waist, then he finishes up his outfit with doc martens.

I looked up to meet his eyes to only see him checking me out too, which made heat rush to my cheeks in an instant as I rubbed the back of my neck consciously.

He seemed to have noticed it and said, "You look wonderful." I pursed my lips after hearing his compliment, trying not to smile. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I added, which he only raised an eyebrow at me with a matching smirk on his lips.

"Let's go?" He asked.

"Let's go."

(Question: do you guys read on dark mode or white mode? I'm planning on updating the aesthetics of these book so hehe

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(Question: do you guys read on dark mode or white mode? I'm planning on updating the aesthetics of these book so hehe.)

Hello everyone! long time no update, but hey I'm back I hope life has been treating you guys well, because mine sure isn't. Not until our school gave us a 1 week break. I'm literally filled with so much joy. I get to finally do the things I love the most. That includes: reading, writing, and editing. (+watching Netflix)

If you ever feel tired please always remember to take a break. You and your body need it.

Thank you for reading this update though I'm so slow huhuhuhu.

Until my next update mwuah!

Jeon Jungkook | 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐍𝐀Where stories live. Discover now