Chapter 14

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Instead of sleeping in my normal bed, I decided to sleep with the guys in the 'coffin'. It's kind of uncomfortable but I got used to it.

I kept hearing noises and voices, but I think that's just my head playing games on me.

All of the sudden pain went through my body, instantly waking me. I saw Marko's body flailing around, blood pouring out of his body. I screamed of rage as I saw my brother dying.

"YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" David yelled at the vampire hunters. Of course it was the two kids from the comic store, Sam, and Mom

Everyone escaped and David chased them out as far as he can go before hitting sunlight.

I cried softly into Paul's chest as I saw Marko's lifeless body at the bottom of the coffin. We were all devastated by his death. More by the fact that Mom was partly responsible for the reason of his death. We went back to sleep until it was time to take revenge.


As soon as the sun set, we were flying to Michael's house, where everyone was most likely taking shelter.

I saw the house in the distance. I heard a dog barking. Just then Sam and Michael were running out.

"MICHAEL, SAM! MICHAEL THEY'RE COMING!" Everyone's voices screamed.

Paul and I snuck in quietly. I hid in the bathroom and Paul hid behind the door of the bedroom. Our faces already morphed to kill.

"HEYY!" Paul yelled. The kids screamed. Paul laughed a demented laugh.

"HAHA! You're mine! YOU killed Marko!" Paul yelled as he led the guys into the bathroom where I would attack.

"Yeah you're next!" One of them tried to be tough.

"Nah you're next!" Paul yelled.

The boys stopped and looked into the bathtub full of holy water and garlic.

"Haha. Garlic don't work boys!" Paul laughed in their faces.

"Oh yeah? Try holy water death-" they tried to kill Paul. I grabbed one of them and wrestled with him while Paul attacked the other.

The one with dark hair tried knocking me off. I had him in a killer choke hold and sunk my teeth into his neck. I drained him completely and threw his lifeless body to the floor.

"NO! ALAN!" His brother yelled with tears in his eyes. Paul held him tighter and began to suffocate him.

"Slow, painful death." Paul whispered demonically. I smiled a sly smile and kicked the other in the stomach.

"In memory of Marko you ass." I yelled as I grabbed a hold of his throat and dug my nails into his skin until blood was seeping out. The kid yelled in pain. Paul took him out of his misery and snapped his neck.

"Let's go check on Dwayne and David. Maybe we'll run into the others." I said as we walked out. Mom stood at the bottom of the stairs. Oblivious of us there. We flew up to the rafters and hid in the shadows.

"Katie..." I sang as I flew around, confusing Mom.

"Zoë. C'mon. I'm not afraid of your antics." Mom said crossing her arms. All of the sudden Dwayne and David showed up next to us.

"It looks like it's four against one." I sang again as I jumped down from the rafters to the first floor.

"Zoë. Why did you have to do this? You could've just said no." Mom said crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I didn't. That's in the past. My real family is here. They took me in, changed me, and now, I'm happy." I said shrugging.

"Then, you decided to kill Marko. My brother." I continued with more anger. Mom looked to the floor.

"I was protecting Santa Carla." She whispered. I chuckled at how pathetic she is.

"Whatever. You can't save me. I'm already a full vampire." I said walking towards her.

"Where's Alan and Edgar?" She asked as she looked around.

"Dead." Paul said from above. Mom's face looked depressed.

"They were just kids..." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, with us, it's no mercy. Besides, they tried to kill Paul and I." I said putting my hands on my hips.

Mom looked up, rage filling her eyes. She quickly reached behind her and grabbed a wooden stake. Mom came barging at me. I punched her away as she pushed me to the floor.

Paul jumped down and threw Mom off me before she staked me through the chest. I jumped up and tackled her. I wrapped my hands around her small throat and applied pressure.

"It could've been easier Mom. You could've been not involved." I whispered in her ears.

Just then I was ripped off and was thrown a great distance. Michael stood there picking Mom up. David and Dwayne tackled Michael while Paul helped me up.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded and ripped my mom out of Michael's arms.

"I'm gonna kill you, you prick!" I pointed at Michael. I dropped Mom on the floor. I put my foot onto her throat. Pressing harder and harder.

"Zoë!" Michael screamed.

"This isn't you! Look at what you're doing! You're killing your mother!" He yelled as he was held back from the boys.

"Shut up Michael! She left me. She doesn't know a damn thing about me." I screamed as I pressed until her fave turned purple. Then she stopped struggling.

"Goodnight love." She whispered as she closed her eyes. I don't hear, or feel a heart beat anymore. Mom was dead.

A/N- Well.... this is dark and sadistic.... I'm sorry to all the Alan and Edgar fans! I wanted to write an alternate ending and see how it would play out. So far, it's cool.

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