Chapter 9

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*The next night.*

The guys wanted a night together which I don't mind one bit. So I went to the boardwalk. To go into some into some stores, maybe meet some new people.

"We'll pick you up at around 11. Love you." Paul said as he kissed me. I kissed him back.

"Love you too." I said before I let them leave. I heard the roar of the engines when I turned around to look around.

After an hour I found myself by the little stores where you can get leather jackets, piercings, and all that stuff. A bikers dream.

I saw the guy from last night. He was wearing a leather jacket that he probably just bought, and blue jeans. He was looking at getting a piercing. I see he's trying desperately to be like Paul.

"It's a rip off." I said patting him on the back and walking off. I'm sure he followed.

"Hi." I heard him say. I turned around and smirked as I kept walking.

"Of you want your ear pierced I'll do it. I'm just not the best at it." I said laughing.

"What's your name?" He asked getting closer to me.

"Zoë." I said running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm Michael." He said smiling. We got closer to the spot where Paul'll be picking me up.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked. I debated.

Just then the guys pulled up. Paul looked so pissed at Michael. Michael grabbed my hand and was about to pull me on to his motorcycle.

"Hey! Paws off!" Paul said running over. He wrapped a protective arm around my waist.

"Calm yourself Paul." David said. Michael was not happy.

"You know where Hudson's bluff is over lookin' the point?" David asked. Oh great.

"I can't beat your bikes." Michael said looking at all of us. By then Paul and I were ready to go.

"You don't have to beat us Michael. Just have to try to keep up." David said revving his engine. Then we all sped off.

We were going down stairs and driving on the beach as fast as our bikes could go. We were screaming of joy. It was so amazing on how fast we were going.

When we got closer to the bluff Michael realized that the drop to the ocean was huge and that he could kill himself. He tipped is bike over to stop immediately. We all stopped to watch.

"What the hell are you doing huh!?" Michael boomed. He ran over to David and punched him. David didn't react.

"C'mon just you! Just you!" Michael said quieter. He was held back now.

"How far are you willing to go Michael?" David leaned in closer, showing off his devilish smirk. We backed off Micheal at that point.

We jumped into the caves. We were wooing and just having a good time. We lit the barrels for lighting and I walked over to my bed. I looked back at Michael. He was mesmerized. Just like I was.

"Pretty cool huh! This was the hottest resort in Santa Carla about 85 years ago. Too bad they built it on the fault. In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, ground opened up, place took a header right into the cracks. So now it's ours." David went on. It was almost identical what Paul told me.

"So check it out, Mikey." Paul teased while lighting a joint. We all chuckled.

"Marko, food!" David ordered. Marko nodded and pushed one of the birds off his arms.

"That's what I like about this place. You ask, then you get it." David went on. Paul walked over to David and handed the joint to him.

"Thank you." David smiled.

"Yep." Paul said cooly.

"Appetizer." David said handing him the stick of marijuana. I began to watch intently from behind the curtains of the bed.

"Feeding time! Come n' get it boys and girls- of course." Marko said coming back with a box.

"Chinese, good choice." David said looking at the box. Marko began to throw boxes of various Chinese meals.

"Here's some rice." David offered Michael.

"No thanks." Michael rejected.

"You don't like rice? C'mon, when have a billion Chinese people been wrong." David snickered. That earned some laughs from all of us.

"C'mon!" David urged again. Michael finally took the box and began eating.

"How're those maggots?" David asked with an eyebrow raised. Michael looked at David confused.

"Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots how do they taste?" David said leaning in closer.

Michael didn't believe him until he saw the box. He spit the rice that was in his mouth and threw the box down. All the guys stared laughing uncontrollably

"Leave him alone." I said still sitting on my bed.

"Aw chill out, girl." Marko said looking at me. I shrugged and continued to watch David's antics.

Michael realized he wasn't eating maggots. It was all in his head- or so he thought.

"Sorry bout that." David said. He was acting that he was genuinely sorry. Lies.

"How about some noodles...." David said heading Michael his box. Michael looked inside and closed his eyes in frustration.

"They're worms." He said frustrated.

"There ain't no worms!" David laughed as he searched the box.

Michael- who was finally done with David's antics- snatched the box from David's hands and inspected it himself.

The rest of the boys started laughing at how crazy they were making Michael seem. To be honest I was feeling bad for Michael. I didn't get this treatment when I met them. Maybe it was because Paul "claimed" me. Who knows? Maybe it was because I'm a girl?

David called Marko over once again and whispered in his ear. Marko comes back with the same bottle of "wine".


A/N- so I did decide to put Sam and Michael in this. I don't quite know yet if I wanna finish the story like the movie because I'm personally a big fan of the vampires in this movie.

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