Chapter 12

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I landed quietly at the entrance of the cave. I sighed and entered. I noticed that the guys weren't here. They probably went to go feed or to flirt with girls down at the boardwalk.

I walked over to my makeshift bed and began to think on how I'm going to fix this whole Mom being a hunter thing.

"Zoë?" I heard a male's voice echo through out the cave. I turned my head and saw Michael.

Michael stopped in the middle and grabbed the blood bottle. I smelt what's inside and threw it across the cave.

"I'm over here Michael." I said getting off of the bed.

"Zoë, what's happening to me?" He asked walking closer to me. I approached him.

"Michael, I wish I could tell you." I said sadly.

"What's happening?" He repeated. I stopped walking.

"I can't tell you." I whispered, feeling sorry for him.

Suddenly Michael ran over to me and started to kiss me sloppily. My eyes widened and I saw Paul and the guys run in.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Paul yelled. I managed to get Michael off of me. That's when Paul grabbed Michael and punched him right in the nose. He started to beat his face in. I ran over to Paul and ripped him off of Michael.

"Paul, I'm okay!" I screamed.

"Touch her one more time and I won't even hesitate to kill you." Paul seethed. Marko came over, pulled Michael up onto his feet and guided him outside. Paul went over to the bed.

"I'm okay. He just suddenly kissed me." I whispered into his ear and started to massage his back.

"But we have something else to talk about." I said standing up again.

Paul and everyone looked over to me. Ready for the news.

"My mom is a fucking hunter." I say pacing. David's face looked amused.

"Well you know what to do." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

She's my mother asshole.

"David, she's Zoë's mom. It's not that easy." Paul defended. David shrugged.

"Well we'll do it for you." David shot back. I stayed silent. I didn't know what to do.

She's my mother for Christ's sake. I know I haven't seen her for 16 years and we never really talked, but she's still my mom.

"Look, we can talk about it another time, but we have to do something about it. Damn, she might know where we live." Dwayne spoke up for once.

I nodded and sat back down. I was so confused on what to do. I snapped my fingers and looked to Paul.

"I'm going out again. You wanna come?" I asked. Paul nodded and grabbed my hand as we left the cave.

"Where you wanna go?" He asked as we got closer to the bike.

"Anywhere but here." I said stressed. I climbed onto my spot and held on to Paul.

We drove until the boardwalk was in sight. But we weren't going to the boardwalk, we passed the boardwalk while we drove on the sand. Further and further away we got until it was pitch black, only the moon lighting the abandoned beach.

"This is a place I came whenever the guys would become too much." Paul said as he put his kickstand down and hopped off.

"It's perfect." I said as I looked around. I went closer to the water's edge. My mind was blank as I looked up to the sky.

"Gypsy, sittin lookin pretty, broken words and laughing eyes." I sang quietly. Paul came up next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I nestled my head into his neck, breathing in his scent.

"What's on your mind?" He asked and I sighed.

"...Nothing." I laughed a little.

"Me too." He laughed as he kissed my head.


"We seriously need a plan. What if she just comes in here with guns blazing?" Marco's voice sounded through my ears. I was now awake and was listening in.

"Well, we already have the two losers in that own that comic book store. It's getting dangerous." Dwayne sighed.

"Guys I think we should just ask Zoë what she wants to do. Seriously it's her fucking mom." Paul defended.

"I don't give a rat's ass on what Zoë has to say. Her mom is a threat. She has to go, no matter who it is." David said with annoyance. Wow, what an asshole.

I dramatically stirred, showing a sign I was waking up. The arguing ceased as I sat up. From the corner of my eye I saw Paul walk over.

"We're gonna go out for a bit. A guys night. You're open to do anything you want. Just be careful." Paul whispered. I nodded.

"Okay. Don't do anything too crazy." I smiled lightly while chuckling.

I got up and watched the guys leave. I threw on my denim baggy jacket and left to go feed, after all, I haven't fed in a while.

A/N- WHAAAAAT SHERIDAN POSTED?! Yeah, I haven't updated in forever. I just had a really bad case of writers block, BUT I FINALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER.

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