Chapter 2

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I walked up the metal stairs of the motel. It was really rundown, and I was kind of worried on why Mom was staying at a place like this.

I found her room. There wasn't even an eight on the door, only an outline. I took a deep breath, and firmly knocked. "Hang on!" I heard her yell. There was a ton of shuffling before the door opened. Out came a brunette with a cigarette hanging from her cherry red lips. We made eye contact for a second before she enveloped me in a hug. "You're all grown up." She chuckled against my shoulder.

I was actually quite surprised at how tall I was compared to her. She came up to my mouth. I awkwardly hugged her back.

"Hey..." I was speechless. I had dreams on what I'd say to her, but I was lost for words. Mom pulled away and looked at me.

"Welcome to Santa Carla, Zoë!" She cheered as she pulled me into the room. There were two beds along with a couch, probably infested with bed bugsA few mysterious stains decorated the old carpet, as well as a few signs of water damage on the ceilings. "I'm so happy you're here! We can go to the boardwalk tonight to celebrate. You can see it from here!" She said pointing out the window. I saw the top of the rollercoaster and in the distance you can hear the screams of terror from it.

"I would've cleaned up, but it's always stuffy in here." Mom said clearing off some things from the couch and coffee table. She crushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray as she sat back.

"What'd you do? I mean, for work?" I asked as I sat down. "Why are you staying in a place like this?"

"I work at the video store on the boardwalk. It's the only place that has jobs open at this time, but I barely get pass." She shrugged. "Weird things happen here, Zoë." She exhaled.

"Is this the whole 'murder capital of the world' speech? Trust me, I heard it on the bus." I explained. "If you're not so comfortable with me here, why are you here?"

"I travel from place to place. I can never stay in one place at once. Before this, it was Las Vegas, and before that it was Dallas." She extended her legs onto the coffee table. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like shit. Get some rest, Zoë. I need to run some errands, I'll be back before you even wake up."

"Thanks." I mumbled and walked over to the bed. I didn't want to sleep on the bed, but it was the best I could get with situation I was dealt. I put my duffle bag on the top of the dresser. I kicked off my boots, and climbed on top of the bed, not even bothering to slip underneath the sheets.

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