Chapter 11

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I stirred awake to see Paul silently asleep next to me. I sat up and stretched. I bent over and kissed him on the cheek which made him stir.

"You should wake up. It's already dark." I whispered into his ear. To which returned to a groan. I chuckled.

"You act like a kid sometimes." I laughed as I got out of the bed. I slipped on my white Queen shirt over my bra and then pulled on a pair of black leather pants. I then began to hum the melody from 'Rocket' by Def Leppard.

"Bright lights, strange city, mad music all around." I sang as I walked down to the center of the cave. I found a lone box of cigarettes and decided to take one.

I walked out of the cave and looked out to the sea as I lit the cigarette. It's so peaceful out here. The moon was shining and giving a dim light to the town of Santa Carla. I took a drag and blew out with a sigh.

Mom must be scared to death about me. Who knows, I might be on a missing persons flyer right now as we speak. I groaned and stomped the cigarette out.

I'm going to visit Mom, and try to straighten things out with her.

As I walked down the sidewalk I saw the motel. I took a deep breath and started my way to the motel. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open.

"Whoever it is, it's a little late." I heard an annoyed voice say on the other side. I heard her unlocking the door and it flew open.

"Zoë?" She asked. Her hair was so messy and I looked like she hasn't taken off her makeup in 3 days. I smelt alcohol and Warrant was playing in the background.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Where the hell have you been?" She said bewildered.

What the hell do I say? 'I've been transformed into a vampire and I can't see you anymore.'? That definitely won't work.

"I've been... finding myself." I lied with a tiny smile.

"Oh god, have you been living with those delinquents?" She asked as she got a closer look at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You mean Paul, Dwayne, Marko and David?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"That's their names?" She asked lighting a cigarette.

"Yeah. They're my new family now. Paul and I are together too." I say barging in.

The place was worse than the cave. Papers were everywhere, there was a mountain of dishes, countless cigarettes in the ash tray, it was bad.

"Zoë. You're putting yourself if danger." She said shutting the door. I rolled my eyes. Do I tell her? What if she's a hunter like David has told me about? I turned around.

"Zoë. What's wrong with you?" She asked grabbing my shoulder. I winced. Her scent was getting stronger and I haven't eaten in awhile.

"My god, you did it." She cried. I narrowed my eyes and turned around.

"What?" I asked, getting curious on what she knows.

"You did! That morning you were hungover and I saw you at night! And tonight I'm seeing you! You never come out during the day either." She went on. I backed up.

"Zoë, I'm a hunter." She said with tears in her eyes. My eyes widened.

"What..?" I whispered.

"I'm a vampire hunter okay?" She confessed. I swallowed and began to walk to the door.

"I have to go." I said quietly. I opened the door and began to fly.

My damn mother had to be a hunter. She might kill me. Her flesh and blood. Or, I might have to kill her.

A/N- WOWZA. That is quite a plot twist.

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