Chapter 5

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"Get up. It's 5 in the evening." I heard Mom's voice scream in my ears. I squinted my eyes open and groaned.

"Stop yelling." I said throwing my pillow over my head. I was so hungover.

"Honey, I'm not yelling. I think you're just hungover." Mom whispered. I lifted my head up.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

She started towards the door. "I wouldn't say 'not mad' I saw who you ran off with last night." I rolled my eyes. "All I have to say right now is watch out for them. But, I have to go to work. So I'll probably be back around 3:30 this morning." She said walking out of my room. I groaned in response and fell back asleep.


When I finally woke up it was 7:30 in the evening. I stood up and stretched. I was still in last night's attire. I yawned and dressed into my Aerosmith tank top, with some black jeans. I slipped on my usual combat boots and walked into the living room.

The sun was just about to set. I debated if I should go out or not. I thought for a while. So instead I looked for food to eat. I was starved. I opened the minifridge. There was left over Chinese from last night.

"Jackpot!" I squealed as I grabbed some pork fried rice and some sweet and sour chicken. I heated it up. After heating it up I looked at what's on tv. Just the news and some old shows. I rolled my eyes and searched for the movies Mom and I bought. I found 'Overboard'. I put it in the VHS player, sat down and ate my food.

About an hour and a half I heard motorcycles roaring and the lights were flashing. I heard men laughing and "woooo-ings" coming from outside. I didn't mind it at first, but it kept getting more and more obnoxious. I ran over to the door and opened it.

"Zoë." I heard repeating over and over again in David's voice. I had enough and went to Hudson's Bluff to see what was going on. All four motorcycles were there. Great. I stumbled down to the cave. All four guys were sitting and laughing.

"Well look who came back." Paul smiled as he saw me. He ran over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked at Paul.

"Can I talk to you?" I said looking up to Paul. He nodded and led me back outside.
"What happened last night?" I asked. Paul laughed.

"Well, we all got pretty shit-faced. You especially. You loved that wine." Paul smirked.

"How did I get home?" I asked chuckling a little bit.

"I drove you." He smiled. That gorgeous smile.

I shook my head and chuckled a bit. It wasn't the first time I couldn't remember anything from the night before. I've always done it intentionally. This is the first time I've actually done it with a group and I actually had a good time I hear.

"So what're you doing right now?" asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"Uh, I think the guys and I are goin' to the boardwalk. Wanna come with?" Paul smiled.
"Sure." I nodded. Paul wrapped his arm around my shoulder again. Just as we were about to go back into the cave, the guys came out.

"Alright, let's get this party started." Marko said, fist pumping.
We walked up to the motorcycles. I got on the back of Paul's motorcycle and hung on tight.


    We got to the crowded boardwalk and we separated. Paul and I were on our own. Paul decided to take the time to get to know me more.  "So, Zoë, name some your favorite bands." Paul said looking straight ahead.

"Wow. That's easy, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Van Halen, Def Leppard, and Guns N' Roses." I laughed a bit. Paul smiled.

"Great choices!" Paul said walking off to the side to look at the ocean as I followed. All of the sudden, my throat began to burn and my stomach grumbled. I coughed, thinking it'll help my throat.
Paul looked at me, but couldn't meet my eyes. "You have a cold?" Paul asked looking back to the ocean.

"No. Just my throat has a random tickle." I said coughing once more.

"Let's go find the guys." Paul said, changing the subject. I nodded and walked off as Paul led the way.
We found the guys at the video store. Just wonderful. This will be so awkward. Paul and I walked in and I saw Mom look. She had a look of disappointment and fear. She pointed at me and motioned me to talk to her.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Mom whispered with a mad look on her face. I looked back and saw Paul laughing and joking with the guys.

"Hanging out with my friends." I said rolling my eyes.
"Zoë. I know I told you to be careful, but I don't think being friends with them is a good idea." Mom hissed. I walked away; I was so pissed.
I thought Mom was all about me, finding myself and my tribe. She had that free spirit personality. These guys were my only friends. The guys I actually enjoy hanging out with.
"Let's go." I said walking over to the guys. We all walked out together.
"Was that your mom you're talking to?" Paul asked. I nodded.
"Do you mind if I stay with you for a while? I'm not really agreeing with her right now." I asked. Paul nodded. "Okay. Just drive me back to the motel so I can get my stuff." I laughed.

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