Chapter 3

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"Wake up!" A pillow slammed onto my head, waking me up. "It's 8 o'clock in the evening, about the perfect time to go to the boardwalk."

"Okay. Lemme get some different clothes on and freshen up." I said stretching. Mom nodded, and stepped into the bathroom to continue getting ready.

"Shit..." I cursed to myself. I got off the bed and went to my small duffle bag. I didn't pack much, due to the fact I was trying like hell to get out. I pulled out a black T-shirt that had holes all over it, and some white shredded shorts. I zipped on my black combat boots and looked in the mirror. The gash on my cheek was scabbed over, but was still tender and red.

"Mom, do you have any makeup?" I asked walking to the bathroom. Mom looked at me.
"Yeah, it's all in this black case." She pushed the case closer to me.

Her makeup collection was a dream for the professional makeup artist. She had eyeshadows in all shades and finishes, and lipsticks of the colors of the rainbows and then some. I took a deep breath, applied some foundation along with concealer, some black eyeliner on my top lid, and some mascara. To finish it off, I applied a pink coral lip color.
One last look in the mirror and I was out the door with Mom on the way to the boardwalk.


Mom and I walked through the entrance of the boardwalk and it was nothing but magical. The lights, the smells, the energy was all great! It was almost shoulder-to-shoulder with people. People of all ages, cultures, and cliques littered this place.

"I wanna run into the video shop really fast, I wanna rent a couple movies." Mom yelled over all the noises. She gripped my wrist and pulled me into the neon-lit store. I looked at the various movies while she was talking to a tall, older man behind the counter with brown hair and glasses, most likely her boss.

"Zoë! I want you to meet someone!" I heard her say. I walked over to her, mentally preparing myself to meet this man.

"Zoë this is my boss, Max." Mom said smiling. Max smiled and stuck out his hand for me to shake. I returned the smile and shake with a 'Hi' to follow.

"Katie, I didn't know you had a daughter. A beautiful one, she is." Max said smiling. I slightly blushed.

"Well she came down from Seattle to stay with me." Mom laughed wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"How old are you Zoë." Max asked, and he looked interested, probably wanting me to work for him.

"18." I replied. Just then four guys walked in from behind us. All of them really good-looking. My heart fluttered when I saw one of them with long, crazy blonde hair. He was wearing a leather jacket with a mesh shirt underneath. He was unlike anyone I've seen in person, he just looked like he was in a band that played on MTV.

He glanced  at me, and flashed a smirk as he traveled around the store with his pack.
Max had an annoyed look as he looked at the four boys. The boys looked lazily at the movies and chatted up the female cashiers.

"If you're going to just hang around and buy nothing, get out." Max scolded. They all stopped, and smirked as they looked at me. Then they got a move on to leave. I watched them as they got on their bikes and left. They were definitely my type.

"Well I just came in to get a few tapes for Zoë and I. I still have to show her around." Mom said looking around.

After 5 minuets we picked out 2 movies. 'The Amityville Horror' and 'Overboard'. Two movies I loved dearly.

"It was nice meeting you Zoë, and I'll see you tomorrow night Katie." Max smiled at us and we walked out with our movies.

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