Chapter 6

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Paul drove me back to the motel and helped me pack. "Wow." Paul said to himself as he saw how bad of a shithole this place was.

"Yeah, I know. I'll be quick." I laughed.

I felt eyes burning into my back and heard footsteps coming up to me. I turned around and saw Paul looking at me with a soft look in his eyes. "I think you'll be very good for me." Paul said slowly gripping my hand. I smiled and blushed. "You're very interesting, Zoë." He whispered softly into my ear.

This was a totally different side of Paul. At first glance, he seems like a bad ass rocker- who only cares about music and drugs. But he's totally different. Maybe I do have feelings for him.

I didn't really know what to say, so I didn't respond. Actions speak louder than words.Paul pressed his cold lips against mine. Fireworks sparked and I felt love. I haven't felt that for a long time.

Paul pulled away and played with my hair with one hand and with my fingers with the other. I just noticed that our fingers were intertwined. "Be my girl?" He whispered sweetly, sending shivers down my spine.

I flashed a toothy smile. "You got it, Paul." I playfully winked.


"Okay, lucky for you, there's already a bed and everything in the cave. From the last girl." Paul explained in a sort of 'dude' tone, walking down into the cave.

"The last girl?" I thought out loud.

"David had a girlfriend who lived here with us for awhile, her name was Star. A real bohemian, hippie girl." Paul said grabbing my hand as we made it into the cave.

"Talking about old news are we?" David said flatly, as he sat in his wheelchair.

"Just tellin' Zoë a story." Paul defended.
I looked around for these 'leftovers'. I saw a canopy bed with pink sparkly drapes. I walked over to it and inspected it. It had hippie pillows and several floral patterned blankets, a white shawl with pink rose detailing with fringe dangling on the edges sat on top of the blankets. It was like Stevie Nicks lived here instead of this Star girl.

"I know. It's like Stevie Nicks." Paul laughed as he jumped on top of the bed. I nodded and laughed.

"I'm going to add my own touch I think." I laughed as I slipped my duffle off of my shoulder. My stomach growled deeply. It was so weird. I had a lot of Chinese food before I left this evening.

Paul seemed to notice. He stayed silent as he looked to the other guys. "C'mon guys. I think we're all hungry." Paul said. The three boys perked up when they heard 'hungry'.

"You're not gonna wanna miss this." David said to me with his devilish smirk. It sent shivers down my spine and caused goosebumps.

Paul gave me a reassuring smirk and grabbed my hands as we climbed out of the cave. I hopped on Paul's bike and held tightly on to his waist as we drove like maniacs to where we were eating.

We stopped at the beach, far from the boardwalk. There was a party going on with a bunch of guys and their girlfriends there. You could feel the heat from a giant bonfire, and you could smell the beer from the road. Rock Music was blasting, with the partygoers dancing around the fire.

All of the sudden, I got a big whiff of something delicious. My mouth watered. We hopped off and jumped into a tree, witnessing the party happen. I looked around and saw some of the guys get a little hyped up. Paul was especially hyped.

"It's time to be a real member of the club now, Zoë." David said not looking away. He then turns to me.

What I saw was a demon.

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