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Paul and I walked down the beach at around 11:30 at night. He was holding my hand and we were just joking around.

"What do you Santa Carla is like without us?" I chuckled as I lit a cigarette. Paul took a deep breath and smiled.

"Probably the most boring place on the face of the earth." He exaggerated. I laughed.

"That's probably true. Your touch isn't there anymore." I teased. He laughed and pulled me onto his shoulder.

"Zoë?" An unfamiliar voice asked. Paul put me down divi could see who was talking to me.

"Oh my god." I blandly said with a straight face.

"It's me! Cynthia! One of the girls who drove you to Santa Carla!" She exclaimed excitedly. Her hair- now a poofy, curly, teased blonde- bounced up and down as she ran up to me.

"It's been so long!" She cooed. I hugged her back awkwardly. I don't like it very much when people I barely know touch me.

"Who's this cutie?" She asked as she looked Paul up and down. I tensed up and glared.

"My boyfriend." I seethed. She looked at me then back to him. I heard David and Dwayne coming up in the background.

"Very good Zoë." She cooed as she still checked him out.

"Why aren't you in Santa Carla?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and scoffed a tiny bit.

"Lets just say, it didn't work out too well for us." I fibbed as I took a drag of my cigarette.

"Yeah to say the least." Paul laughed. I elbowed him in the torso. Cynthia gave a weary look.

"Well I gotta go!" She quickly said as she began to walk off.

"Wait! My brothers are coming up! Why don't you stick around. I think David would like you." Paul called out. I caught his drift.

"Yeah! We'll get you home safe and sound!" I played on. David and Dwayne pulled up next to us on their bikes.

"Whose this?" David asked flirtatiously.

"This is my friend Cynthia. Cynthia this is David, and Dwayne." I introduced. Cynthia instantly liked what she saw. She walked over to David and shook his hand.

"Hi." She flirted. I rolled my eyes.

"She's the new Star." Paul whispered into my ear.

"Let's just hope it doesn't ruin everything like last year." I chuckled.

A/N- And that my friends, has been Santa Carla Killers. I'm sorry that it's been months since I've updated. But now it's complete! As always vote, and comment! ANDDDDDD if you guys want a sequel, please comment so I know that you guys would like a sequel because I think that could be a big possibility in the future. So yes! Comment for a SEQUEL!

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