Chapter 15

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I stepped off of Mom's corpse. Michael stood there dumbfounded. I looked at him and chuckled tiredly.

"What? You thought I'd stop?" I asked Michael as I walked around.

"I thought It'd turn out different." Michael sighed as he looked around. The house was trashed.

"You should give up, join us." David said as he showed up next to me. Just then I heard a car pull up in the driveway and car doors opening then closing.

"Sam! Michael?" A middle aged woman and Max came through the door. They stopped immediately at the sight of the house.

"Who're all these people? What happened here?" She asked confused with a hint of anger.

"Mom I can explain." Sam tried to calm down his mother. Max walked around and took off his glasses.

"I think I can explain what happened here Lucy." He stated as he turned around to face us.

"Max what do you mean?" She inquired as she clung to her boys.

"It appears my boys and girl have misbehaved." He chuckled as he motioned around the house.

"I was right! You're the head vampire!" Sam exclaimed as he jumped froward, ready to protect his family. Max looked at Sam and nodded quickly.

"It would've been perfect. My kids, and your boys. One happy family." He daydreamed as he looked off into the distance.

"Oh great the blood sucking Brady Bunch." I whispered under my breath. Causing a tiny laugh from Paul.

"Leave now, Max." Michael threatened as he emerged from the corner. Max turned around with a morphed face.

"But I still want you Lucy." He devilishly said. With that Michael ran towards Max and tried to throw him across the room, but opposite actions happened. Max threw Michael across the room up to the balcony. Lucy screamed. Sam ran towards Max with a wooden stake, attempting to kill Max. Max kicked Sam in the stomach, sending him twenty feet back.

Max extended his hand to Lucy.

"Don't fight Lucy, it's so much easier if you don't fight." He commanded with power. She put her hand in his with fright.

"Mom don't do it!" Sam yelled. Just before Max's teeth sunk into Lucy's neck, an obnoxious car horn sounded from outside. It drove through the house and wooden stakes flew everywhere.

My eyes went wide and I grabbed Paul and we jumped to the floor, preventing our death. An explosion of fire exploded and we all covered our heads. That's when the guys and I knew, it was time to leave before we'll all be dead.

"Wait! There's still four more!" Sam cried as we all fled out the back door from the kitchen.

"Go go go!" I yelled as we ran through the field and flew up into the sky. We all escaped hell.

We landed at Hudson's Bluff and ran down into the cave.

"Grab everything you can. They're gonna be all over this place in no time." David ordered. I went over to my bed and grabbed my duffle. I packed all of my clothes, tapes, cigarettes, and random things that'll fit into the medium sized duffle.

Paul wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"We'll be back soon." He whispered into my ear.

"I know. Onto the next town." I smirked as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him on the nose.

"Let's go!" David yelled impatient. Paul smiled and grabbed my hands and we ran to the entrance of the cave.

"Wait! One more thing." I paused as I grabbed a notepad and a pen. I began to write a pen.

"It was all worth it."

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