Chapter 10

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I stood up and walked over to Paul to sit down, keeping a close eye on what Michael does.

David took a swig from the bottle and shivered. His blood coursing down his throat.

"Drink some of this. Be one of us." David whispered in a creepy tone. Michael looked at David with disbelief. He almost looked amused. Michael took the bottle anyway. He looked to me to see how I felt. I stiffened and shook my head, trying to not let Paul notice that I wanted to stop this.

"It's blood." I mouthed. Michael raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

"Yeah, sure. Blood." he chuckled under his breath.

"BRAVO!" David boomed and cheered. Everyone else was cheering. I instead stood up and backed up to the bed.

Michael was so stupid. He literally put his life in jeopardy to be apart of this 'clan'. I mean it's a great group, it's just not for someone as sweet as Michael.

Later in the night I tagged along with the guys and Michael for part of Michael's "initiation".

We stopped at a bridge that seemed pretty sketchy.

"Perfect timing." David said mysteriously as we got off our bikes and began to walk down the tracks.

"What's going on?" Michael asked kind of innocently.

"Michael wants to know what's going on. Marko, what's going on?" David said blandly.

"I don't know, what's going on Paul?" Marko shot.

"Oh wait who wants to know?" Paul said playfully.

"Michael wants to know!" Dwayne piped in.

"I think it's time we show Michael what's going on." David said placing a hand on Michael's shoulder. We stopped when we got to the middle of the bridge.

"Marko?" David ordered. Marko grew a little smile.

"Goodnight Michael. BOMBS AWAY!" Marko yelled as he jumped off the bridge. Michael had the looks as if he's finally gone insane. David laughed at him reaction. Paul grabbed my hand and guided me towards the edge.

"Trust me, Zoë." He whispered before kissing my temple. I looked at Michael and gave him a tiny smile.

"Bottoms up man!" Paul said before jumping off with me.

I couldn't believe it. I was floating, flying. I can fly! Paul and I floated back up to the bar and hung on next to Marko. Next came Dwayne, then David. We were all cheering and woo-ing.

"Hey Michael Emerson! C'mon down!" David yelled. Michael was so hesitant. But if course being the idiot he is, he carefully climbed down.

"Fun huh?" David rose an eyebrow. Poor Michael was holding on for dear life when he heard a train's horn.

"JESUS CHRIST!" He yelled as he struggled to hold on.

Paul and Marko were head banging and screaming with joy. I was laughing along at their antics. This could get interesting if I let go.

Of course, Paul being Paul, he read my mind. He dropped and disappeared under the fog. Next was Marko, then Dwayne, then David. Michael looked at me, scared.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." I said with a slight smile. I then let go and felt the wind fly under my arms. I then shot up and saw the bridge from under me. I flew down to meet the guys.

"Nice job babe. You got the basics down." Paul said clinging onto my side and kissing me softly. He heard Marko gagging. I pulled away and shot him a not-so-serious glare.

"Now what?" I asked as we walked towards the bikes.

"Well, Michael is on his way home, he probably won't remember how he got home, but he'll survive." David said as he lit a cigarette.

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