02 → "NEWBIE"

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02 → "NEWBIE"

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ADELINE shivered, coldness overcoming her, her skin forming goose bumps on her bare arms. She pulled her knees to her chest, still shivering, staring at the corner in boredom. Suddenly she could not take it no more, and she snapped. She slammed her feet against the floor of the metal box and screamed out.

"Get me out of here!"

She got onto her knees and pressed the palm of her hands onto the metal doors, slamming her hands against it, waiting for someone to notice and open the doors for her. Minutes passed, and she dropped back onto her butt, staring up at the metal doors, sealing her inside. Two more minutes passed, then five. She got back onto her knees and once more slammed the palm of her hands against the metal doors, screaming out for someone to get her out of there. Then, there was a loud bang, the sound of the doors squeaking open. She stared at the boy who had came to her rescue, and he stared back at her in shock.

"Bloody hell." He cursed. Adeline noticed he had a British accent. The boy continued to stare at her.

It's like he has never seen a girl before.

"Um hello?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow. "Want to help me get out of this damn thing?"

The boy snapped out of his trance and cleared his throat, nodding before he disappeared for a moment only to return with a rope in which he threw down at her. She took it and held on as he pulled her up with the rope. As soon as she was out, she breathed in the fresh air, relieved from the stench from the box. She looked around at her surroundings. The place was surrounded in a four huge dirty brick walls, covered with thick ivy, and she stood in the middle of a large courtyard. In the North - West corner stood a shabby two - story building.

"Where am I and what am I doing here?" Adeline found herself asking, staring at the blonde haired boy in pure confusion. "Why can't I remember anything except my own name?"

"Don't worry, it's normal." he stated. "We all woke up in that box with no memory except for our names. Speakin' of names, I'm Newt." Newt extended his arm to shake her hand.

"Adeline." She introduced herself — as best as she could with the memory lapse — shaking his hand.

"Well," he said. "Welcome to the Glade, Greenie."

Newt had woken up each and every boy, calling all the boys to the box. The group of at least fifty boys all gathered around in a circle in the courtyard she stood, watching Adeline like a hawk. Each boy muttered out questions as they noticed her, their voices and faces familiar, but Adeline couldn't place where or how she knew them. Why she couldn't remember them. As the boys grouped around her, Adeline kept reminding herself that these boys obviously haven't seen a girl in however long, and to be cautious due to the fact that they're teenage boys with raging hormones. She stood close to Newt, really only trusting him right now, but also cautious of him, too.

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