31 → "ESCAPE"

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31 → "ESCAPE"

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Adeline skipped dinner that night, only to have Chuck bring her a plate of food. Chuck had only assumed Adeline was joining, although Adeline still had not made up her mind. Either way, if she came or left she'd still end up facing a Griever. Adeline ended up eating the plate of food Chuck had given her, eating as much as her body could handle before she made out the Gladers gathering near the West Door. She noticed all of her friends getting ready to enter that Maze.

I can't stay here. I can't.

Before she could stop herself, she jogged out of the remaining part of the forest and skidded to a stop. That's when she saw him; Newt frantically glancing around, wondering if Adeline was staying or leaving. She felt her stomach tighten in grief, and she raced towards the group of at least forty Gladers crowding around the entrance of the West Door. Then Newt noticed her approaching the group, and he raced over to her.

"Please don't tell me you're bidding us goodbye." Newt begged.

Adeline shook her head. "I can't stay here in the fear that a Griever could take me."

Newt looked relieved, as if not knowing if she was going to stay or leave was eating him alive. He grasped her hand and lead her to the group. Once he had everyone gathered, he started what he needed to say.

"There're forty-one of us." He pulled the backpack he was holding onto his shoulders. "Make sure you've got your weapons. Other than that, isn't a whole lot to buggin' say — you've all been told the plan. We're gonna fight our way through to the Griever Hole, and Tommy here's gonna punch in his little magic code and then we're gonna get payback on the Creators. Simple as that."

Newt handed Adeline a knife and a backpack he'd packed full of her stuff — just in case — slightly squeezing her hand in reassurance. Adeline swung the backpack over her shoulders, pulling it into place.

"You sure you'll be okay with that knife?" Minho teased Adeline, patting her on the back. Adeline rolled her eyes.

"It's a knife." she said. "I'm sure I've used a bigger knife than this to chop onions. I'm sure I'll manage."

Minho gave her a thumbs up, chuckling. Adeline's eyes gazed over the group, finding Alby sulking to the side away from the main group of the Gladers, alone. Alby picked at the string of his bow while he stared at the ground. A quiver of arrows hung over his shoulder.

"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked, and Adeline shifted her eyes away from watching Alby.

"Go ahead." Newt replied. Minho nodded and faced the crowd.

The Maze Trials → Newt¹Where stories live. Discover now