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ADELINE'S hand just got to the door handle of the room when Newt clasped his hand on her free wrist, dragging her towards him. Adeline tried to make him let go, but Newt was stronger than her.

"Adeline!" he begged. "Listen to me!"

"No!" she snapped. "I don't want to hear it, Newt."

Newt knew why was she was upset; because the Keepers were discussing her migraines as if she was a sick, lost puppy. Adeline didn't want to be treated different just because she's the only girl in the Glade.

"Adeline, just bloody listen to me!" He snapped.

"And why should I?" she hissed at him. "Because I already know what you're going to say to me!"

"What was I going to say then? Go on, explain." He snapped, suddenly irritated at her. Adeline went quiet, adverting her eyes. She did not want to meet his gaze.

"Forget it." Adeline turned away, but Newt dragged her back to look at him once more.

"Why is this a bloody problem anyway?" Newt questioned, still holding onto her wrist. He let go once he saw her staring at his hand.

"Because it's as if you're treating me as a weak little girl!" she cried. "Just because I'm getting migraines all of a sudden!"

"We're not treating you that way at all Adeline!" Newt snapped. "I don't you think you understand just how much we care about you!"

"Honestly." she said, crossing her arms. "You don't have to worry about me. I can care for myself."

"Ya don't think we don't already bloody know that?" Newt reasoned. "We didn't have that Gathering and agree to keep an eye on you to make you feel like we think you're weak. Because ya not! Here's what ya need to understand Adeline; each and every one of us Glader's care about each other. Why? Because we are each other's family now. We stick up for each other and help when times get tough. This is why we are all worried about you."

"They're just migraines, Newt." Her voice cracked as she said his name, and she cleared her throat. "They're nothing, I swear."

"I don't believe that. Not for a bloody second." Newt muttered. "I know what migraines are like, and those aren't migraines. Something strange keeps happening to you, and we need to figure it out."

Adeline lowered her gaze to the floor, the word flashbacks echoing in her mind. She never told Newt about the flashbacks she kept having with the migraines, mainly because she was too afraid to tell him. Would he think she was crazy if he did know? Newt stalked away, leaving her standing there alone with her hands swaying loosely at her sides, staring at the floor.

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