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NOW that Adeline was no longer the Newbie, the Glader's had stopped calling her Greenie. Except now they called her shank — and on rare occasion — her name. The new kid was still getting use to the whole concept of living with all boys and one girl in the Glade in the middle of a maze, but was also becoming more aware of the fact that they were stuck there. One night whilst Adeline was drifting off to sleep, Matt had said the most absurd thing;

"Has anyone thought about doing something to get out of this place?" Adeline propped herself up on one elbow and stared at him as if he was the dumbest shuck — face on earth.

"Ya know, we didn't think of that." She replied, the tone of her voice dripping of sarcasm. Matt rolled his eyes at her. "Now go to sleep, Newbie. I've got to be up early to feed you and the other Glader's."

A week later the box came back up with supplies, and this time Adeline had requested for some girl items. She knew it was awkward asking for this stuff, but she did not feel like having to explain to a boy that she could be close to her period. Another week later, she helped unload the supplies with Alby, just in case she did get what she had requested. As she was lifting the next container of supplies out of the box, Alby tapped her on the shoulder.

"I think this box is for you." He handed her a small container and took the bigger container she had in her hands. She lifted herself out of the box and stalked back to the hammocks, where she opened the lid of the container. Inside had all the items she had requested — shampoo & conditioner, pads and all the other girl items she needed. She closed the lid, and then went to use the facilities. When she came back, she found the new kid halfway into opening the lid of the container. She stifled back a laugh and stopped a metre or so behind him and cleared her throat. The new boy spun around in an instant, a look of horror on his face.

"Step away from the box, Newbie." She said. "I don't think you'd want to look inside the container, anyway."

"Well, what's inside?" He quizzed, staring at her.

"Wow, you're one curious shank." She muttered. "Now, give it." Matt stepped forward, handing her the container. "Now, if I find you in this container again ..." she smirked. "... I'll beat your ass."

Matt scurried away from her, and she chuckled to herself. She was only kidding. The new kid had been curious since day one, but had stopped asking about why we were here in the first place. Every Glader must've replied with the same thing;

"I don't know and quit asking!"

After preparing dinner, Adeline ate with the new kid, who didn't say a word during the entire time. He kept looking at her as if what she said earlier about beating his ass be true. If the new kid was scared of her — a girl — how would he go if instead of all boys it was all girls and one boy in the Glade? Adeline kept her eyes on the Doors to the Maze, now somewhat worried. Newt and Minho hadn't come back yet, and she was scared — actually no, terrified — that if they did arrive before those doors closed, they wouldn't come back.

Because nobody survives a night in the Maze.

It was just minutes before the doors were due to close, and Adeline stood with Alby as they waited at the doors. She stared ahead, and then suddenly she made out two figures running towards the door. Newt and Minho weren't injured by Adeline's guess, but that didn't explain why they were late.

"What took you two shanks so long to arrive back?" Alby snapped, joining besides Newt, Adeline beside Minho.

"Grievers." Minho replied, bending over to catch his breath. "Didn't see 'em, but they were there."

"Also, we're fine, thanks for askin'." Newt scowled.

"Good that. Now, go eat dinner and call it a night. You two look like klunk." Alby ordered, disappearing towards the Homestead. After Alby had stalked off, Adeline followed Minho and Newt to the kitchen where they sat down and began eating.

That night, she was half - listening to Matt as he talked about his day, whilst trying to fall asleep. But, Matt wasn't planning to slim it any time soon, so she laid there, pretending she was listening to him.

"I swear that Gally hates me." Adeline nodded, growing exhausted.

"Mhm." She mumbled, her eyes growing heavy.

"Hey!" Matt snapped. "Are you even listening to me?"

Her eyes shot open. "What? Yes. No. I don't know, what're ya yappin' on about?"

Matt sighed. "Doesn't matter. Goodnight."

Adeline rolled her eyes, then nodded, relaxing as her body pulled her under into a deep sleep that she'd been fighting before.

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