20 → "HE'S GONE."

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20 → "HE'S GONE

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20 "HE'S GONE."

COMPLETE silence hung over the Glade. Newt had read the message aloud, and all the Gladers stood dumbfounded. No one said a word; all eyes were glued to the girl, lying there as if she was fast asleep. Newt stood, crumpling the note in his fist. Alby called out for the Med-Jacks and Clint and Jeff stepped forward. Adeline moved to stand beside Chuck and Thomas.

"So what do we do with her?" Jeff asked.

"How should I know?" Alby said. "You two shanks are the Med-jacks — figure it out."

"Who said Clint had first shot at her?" someone yelled from the crowd.

"I'm next! "A Glader stupidly called out.

"Are you serious?" Adeline's voice raised. "How can you all joke around at a time like this? Besides, she's a human too, ya dumb - shanks, not your plaything. Didn't my words at my arrival teach you anything about decency?"

"Adeline's right. If anybody touches this girl." Alby said. "you're gonna spend the night sleepin' with the Grievers in the Maze. Banished, no questions." He paused, turning in circle. "Ain't nobody better touch her! Nobody."

Clint stood up. "She seems fine. Breathing okay, normal heartbeat. Though it's a bit slow. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'd say she's in a coma. Jeff, let's take her to the Homestead." Jeff stepped over to grab her by the arms while Clint took hold of her feet.

"On the count of three."Jeff said. "One ... two ... three!" They lifted her up.

"Guess we'll have to see what she does." Jeff said. "We can feed her soupy stuff if she doesn't wake up soon."

"Just watch her closely." Newt said. "Must be something special about her or they wouldn't have sent her here."

"Well." Zart said. "There must be something special about Adeline, if they sent her here, too."

Adeline shook her head. "I'm not special."

Alby leaned over to look at her face once more before they carried her off. "Put her next to Ben's room, and keep a watch on her day and night. Nothin' better happen without me knowing about it. I don't care if she talks in her sleep or takes a klunk — you come tell me."

Adeline wrinkled her nose in disgust at Alby's last words.

"Yeah." Jeff muttered as both Jeff and Clint headed off to the Homestead. Gladers started to murmur, questions about the girl now being uttered around Adeline. The sudden excitement over the arrival of the girl was now gone, replaced with the unforgettable words;

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