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THOMAS had been through the Changing for two days now. But, despite everything that had happened two nights ago, things continued the same. Adeline worked in the kitchen with the other Cooks and continued to hide in the Homestead each night. Last night, the Grievers took Zart and a few other Gladers. Each night was more terrifying than the night before, and everyone was always thankful at the end of the night that it wasn't them. But, at the same time, everyone knew that one of the Gladers was friend with the victim who'd been taken and ended up feeling guilty.

Both nights Adeline had been hiding in the same room with Minho, Teresa, Chuck and Newt. She'd sit in between Chuck and Newt. At some point Chuck would clasp her hand in fear and she'd allow it, no matter how much she'd wanted to hold Newt's instead. Both nights, a Griever would scour the Homestead, ripping the Homestead apart more each time. By morning, everyone who'd survived would exit the Homestead and continue on with their jobs like normal. Adeline wondered how long this would go on, before the Homestead becomes less safe and they all ended up dead. It scared her to death to think about it, but you had to ask yourself that question at least once.

It was the third day since Adeline had returned to the Glade upon Minho and Thomas finding her. Upon a long morning of preparing breakfast — upon lugging the same box of non - perishable foods back into the Kitchen — lunch rolled around. Adeline was seated beside Chuck, in mid conversation with Chuck when his voice came back, when Matt finally spoke to her again inside of her head. She hadn't spoken to him since her return back from her two nights in the Maze.

Hey, are you okay? Matt asked. As she heard his voice return, she froze. Something clicked as his voice returned. Ya know, about the Grievers?

Adeline had been trying to piece together who was responsible for throwing her into the Maze days before, and when Matt finally spoke to her in her mind, something clicked. Adeline had been too scared, and drugged, at the time to work out who the voice belonged to but now ... she knew.

Adeline? She found Matt seated at another table. His gaze was locked her way, and flashbacks of the moments she had been awake for, prior to waking up in the Maze, flooded her mind. Are you okay?

Adeline dropped her fork, her first instinct. Then came the fear, causing her to tremble. Chuck raised his eyebrow just as Newt joined them both. Newt had only just slipped into the seat beside her, as her fork flattered against the plate. The food she was eating was now long forgotten.

I ... It w ... was ... Adeline uttered in her head. It w — was .... you!

What? Matt questioned From his table, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. What're you talking about?

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