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THE Med-Jacks hoisted Matt onto a wooden board, and a group of Builder's were ordered to carry Matt into the Homestead to the infirmary by Alby. Adeline followed; worry washing over her as she followed the group of Glader's into the infirmary. The group of Builder's carried an unconscious Matt up the staircase of the Homestead and down the hallway to one of the free rooms of the infirmary. There was a rush of people as they carefully lifted him off the wooden board and onto the bed, restraining his arms with ropes to the side of the bed before Clint barged into the room with a syringe filled with a brownish liquid — which Adeline assumed was the Grief Serum. She watched as Clint pulled up Matt's shirt, aiming the syringe at his chest. He jabbed the syringe into his chest, then pulled it out and watched as Matt burst into a fit of spasms and seizures. His eyes shot open; they were bloodshot. Then, his eyes fluttered closed and he returned to unconsciousness. The Builder's had left the room before she had even thought about leaving the infirmary, and it was just her, Newt and Alby.

"C'mon." Newt said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I don't think you want to see any of this."

Newt steered her out of the room and downstairs, guiding her towards the Deadheads, skipping dinner. She wanted to object to that fact that he should go eat, but Newt glanced at her as if he knew what she was going to say and shook his head. They walked in silence, Newt holding back branches for her. She gave him a slight smile, nodding in thanks. As the two settled down onto one of the benches, all Adeline could see was the blueish purple Griever sting a fraction near Matt's heart. It was horrible; everything about it. The hives. The sickly green prominent veins. Matt's bloodshot eyes. She didn't understand how such a creature could do all that to a human; to put them through that much pain. They sat in an uncomfortable silence. Adeline's thoughts were jumbled. Her mind drifted her thoughts off into different directions, and suddenly she was lost in thought over about Gally being stung by a Griever. The thought made her completely confused. How could have Gally been stung by a Griever if he wasn't a Runner and had never been into the Maze?

"What did Gally mean that he got stung by a Griever?" she found herself asking, although at first it was meant to be a direct question to herself. In the end, she turned her attention to Newt, who took a deep breath.

"It was three months before you showed up." he said. "A Griever had come out in the day — which is rare, but does happen — and showed up at the West Door. The Griever went to attack and stung Gally."

"Why was the Griever at the West Door?" she questioned. "I thought the Griever's never left the Maze and only come out at night." Newt shrugged.

"They come out sometimes in the day, but nobody knows why that happened in the first place." He sighed. "It just happened."

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