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ADELINE was left standing there, staring at the Doors. Newt didn't let go. He held her close to him, Adeline left to process what had just happened. Minho carrying a limp Alby; Thomas running through the closing doors towards them.

"I wasn't going to go inside the Maze." She muttered. "I was just going to pull him back."

Newt didn't speak; only nodded as he held her close for another minute, until he finally let her go. He grasped her wrist and pulled her away from the Doors. She peered back only once, praying that nothing bad would happen to Thomas, Minho and Alby out in that Maze.

Newt made her eat dinner this time, only Adeline ate a small portion of it. She'd grown accustom to eating barely anything lately, mainly because she found it hard to eat when so much was happening around her as of right now. When she had gotten to the stage where she couldn't eat no more, she rose to her feet and placed the left overs inside Frypan's fridge. It was barely touched, and not like anyone would complain over the leftovers of tonight's dinner, anyway.

It had started to grow dark, the torches illuminating the Glade slowly burning out. Adeline went to bed, only sleep did not come. She tossed and turned, her thoughts running wild and the loud snores of the other Gladers kept her awake. Sometime around three in the morning — by her guess, anyway — she gave up. William, the med-jack, snored loudly somewhere close by. She leant forward, running her fingers through her hair before swinging her legs over the side of the hammock, her bare feet meeting the cold ground. Adeline made her way to a tree across the Glade, mainly because the Deadheads was creepy at night. She settled down, crossing her legs and leaning her head back against the trunk of the tree. Unfortunately, she couldn't find any signs of peace to relax and fall a sleep, mental images of the Banishment and Thomas racing into the Maze to save Minho and Alby, haunting her. That's when the voice came back.


As if it was instinct, she jerked her head up and frantically looked around. When she found nobody, she came fully aware that it was all inside her head.

Adeline, answer me. Things are happening, everything is going to change.

Adeline started to panic. The voice, it sounded like Matt. But how? He was either dead or close to it. Nobody could survive in that Maze. The thought only made her worry more; for Thomas, Minho and Alby. For Matt and Ben.

Adeline, it's me. It's Matt. I'm alive. I need you to answer me. Tell me you can hear me!

Adeline swallowed the lump forming in her throat. She was losing it. There was no way ...

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