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EVERY Glader stared at the row of windows, at the row of observers. They all wore black coats over white shirts. They continued to stare at the Gladers, and the Gladers did the same back to them.

"Who are those people?" Chuck whispered, but his voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"The Creators." Minho said. "I'm gonna break your faces!"

"What do we do?" Thomas asked. "What are they waiting on?"

"They've probably revved the Grievers back up." Newt said. "They're probably coming right —"

A loud, slow beeping sound cut him off. It came from everywhere, echoing throughout the chamber, causing each one of them to crane their necks for where it was coming from.

"What now?" Chuck asked.

Everyone looked at Thomas but he just shrugged. The beeping stopped, and a silence settled throughout the chamber. Then, two people walked into the room. One was a woman, wearing black pants and a white shirt with a logo. As she walked toward the group, she neither smiled nor frowned. She stopped several feet in front of the Gladers and slowly looked left to right, taking them all in. The other person, standing next to her was a boy wearing a large sweatshirt.

"Welcome back." the woman finally said. "Over two years, and so few dead. Amazing."

"Excuse me?" Newt asked. Adeline had to fight away the anger that boiled her blood. Her eyes scanned the Gladers again before falling on Newt.

"Everything has gone according to plan, Mr. Newton. Although we expected a few more of you to give up along the way." She glanced over at the boy, then reached out and pulled the hood off the boys head. He looked up, his eyes wet with tears. Every Glader in the room went silent. Adeline would've lunged at the boy if it wasn't for the pain that overlapped her entire body, making her weaker every second.

It was Gally.

"What's he doing here!" Minho shouted.

"You're safe now." the woman said, as if she hadn't heard him. "Please, be at ease."

"At ease?" Minho growled. "Who are you, telling us to be at ease? We wanna see the police, the mayor, the president — somebody!"

She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Minho. "You have no idea what you're talking about, boy. I'd expect more maturity from someone who's passed the Maze Trials."

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